Saturday, December 20, 2008

Room & Roses

After an eternity of patient waiting, I FINALLY, have pictures to post of my new bedroom. From henceforth I will call it the sanctuary, because it has been transformed into a peaceful cocoon of tranquility and restful slumber (no thanks to you Slumberland). Mr. Oz and I went out and got ourselves one of those little trickling water fountains with the stones in them and everything . . . yep, just like the ones at the spa.

So, just as a reminder. Here is the before picture:

And here, my friends, are some after pictures:

Oh, and just because they are lovely and smell glorious, here are some pictures of the roses Mr. Oz sent me for my birthday. He's so sweet . . .


  1. I love it! It looks like a really fancy hotel...yum yum!

  2. love it love it love it! I really love the lamps by the bed and the sweet mocha comforter! Nice job Mr and Mrs Oz.
