Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Equilibrium = Suck This Universe

Equilibrium is the condition of a system in which competing influences are balanced. Equilibrium plays a role in chemistry, biology, mechanics, physics, and economics. In all of these arenas and in all ways, the world is programmed to seek a state of balance; to bring that which is out of order or too extreme, back into its place of status quo. In other words, the very nature of our existence is one big quest for enforced balance. This helps support my theory that nature (you can call it the supreme order of things) doesn't like it when we get too happy, too successful or too excited. Just when you start to gain this sense of contentment, at that very moment when joy fills your heart, when your cup overfloweth with goodness, well, that's just about the time when some proverbial bird poop hits your windshield and you've run out of that blue juice spray and you can't get it off.

I also believe this theory jumps into effect when someone is down, depressed, sad or otherwise glum. The universe does what it can to raise the spirits and spread a little sunshine. But, oftentimes, the person is so bummed out that they fail to see the universe's attempts to achieve equilibrium. They miss it.

Well, ladies and gents, my eyes are wide open. I see both sides of this little see saw -- the ups and the downs. This equilibrium roller coaster is a twisty, turny MoFo. Why do people -- whom I believe are acting as unwitting agents of the equilibreum seeking universe -- try to rain on others' parade? Now, I know what you are thinking, "damn girl, if every person on earth exists as a pawn in the universe's desire to bring you into some perpetual state of emotional mediocrity, you are obviously a narcissist of unbelievable proportions!" Ok, OK. I hear ya. And, NO, I don't believe this to be the case. But, I do believe that every person we come into contact with has something to teach us. There is a reason for their presence and one of those reasons might be, just might be, to check us; bring us back to our own equilibrium.

So, why all the waxing philisophical? Let me tell ya. I'm feeling happy. I've got a case of post-Thanksgiving bliss and holiday cheer. I am in a rare zone where much is right with the world (at least my tiny sliver of the world), gratitude abounds and optimism reigns. This won't last. It never does. I want to enjoy it while I can. But, then the cranky attitudes, the cynicism, the "this sucks," grump-tacular, general malcontent of others intrudes. My equilibrium is once again restored making me question whether it was ever really gone. I try to block it out, to ignore it, but the universe won't allow it. It seeks BALANCE.

This "law of balance" has a strange effect in small groups of people as well. If you are a parent, a teacher, a coach, you may have encountered this interesting phenomenon. Have you ever noticed that if one person is "up" then another person has to be "down?" Why? Why can't everyone in a given family, class, tribe, team ALL be happy at the same time? Pay attention. You'll see it.

I'll tell you why . . . it's equilibrium. Word.


  1. I (as you know) am really affected by others' emotions...and so I sometimes imagine a big bubble around me (like the boy who lived in the bubble) if I'm in a good mood surrounded by cranky people. It helps most of the time.

    btw--I heard once that getting pooped on by a bird is good luck.

  2. Let me wash over you with some good mood, k?

    YOU ROCK, Sweet Lis. I love reading you.

