Saturday, December 13, 2008

Fogo For Four

Today was the official start of an unusual 8 day festival known, in some circles, as the week of my birth commemoration. The spectacle of joyous triumphant glory was kicked off in a rousing fashion with a weekend visit from Abysmal Scribble and Mr. Scribble. Calloo Callay!! Before I dive into a rundown of the festival events thus far, let's take a momentary station identification break and update on a couple late breaking news stories, shalls we??

Firstly, many of you have been kind enough to reach out during my recent Slumberland "oh, how I loathe thee" dramatic re-enactment. This was a WAY off, off-Broadway production and has been garnering rave reviews among the critics and general public alike. Tickets are sold out through February, so if you haven't seen the show yet, you are SOL. Sorry. I've added a third act to the play and have changed the format from a docu-dramady to a musical. Andrew Lloyd Webber is composing as I type. My viewing audience will be pleased to find Act 3 moving from caustic rage to redemption for Slumberland as today I received the phone call I had been waiting for. Furniture delivery is set for sometime on Thursday!! No doubt the corporate overlords have been tracking my blog and were quaking in their boots. I am assured that my loyal readers were also incensed to the point of berating said corporate overlords with scads of emails, phone calls, faxes, picketing and rioting on the streets, etc. Slumberland, bending to the will of the people, has seen the error of its ways and caved to our demands. Viva la Revolution! Well played everyone. Well played.

Secondly, kitty cat Spencer Bob, took a bad health turn this week and landed himself in the hospital with a terrible cold. Poor little guy was neither eating nor drinking for days. Dehydrated and sad, he spent a few days under the care of a veternarian and seems to have bounced back somewhat. He's back home safe and sound. Thank you City Cat Clinic. You are AWESOME!

Finally, onto the festival of birth commemoration . . . Day 1 was marked with rejuvination at the spa. Abysmal and I kicked it with a relaxing facial followed by a massage. Can you say, niiiiicccce? Sure. I knew you could. Mind you, I have NEVER before had a facial and I was a tad nervous? What if the potions and elixers they used caused my face to break out in hives or something? Well, it didn't, but I'm not sure my skin knew what hit it. It is still in shock. I also tried a new thing on the massage -- the hot stones. Have you tried this? If not, you REALLY should. Wonderful experience. I believe, at one point, I fell asleep and started snoring right there on the massage table. Pure bliss.

After an afternoon of shopping, me and Mr. Oz and Abysmal and Mr. Scribble headed downtown for the traditional roast meats and cheeses gala concluding day 1 of the festival. It was meat-fest at Fogo de Chao y'all. Definitely not for the faint of heart, you roll up in this joint and throw down your $46 for an all-you-can-eat onslaught of roasted meats. Sure, they have a fine salad bar and some sides served family style. This is all well and good, but people line up around the block for the protein at Fogo. The gaucho-wearing cowboy waiters fly around the vast dining room carrying long spears of garlic beef, bacon wrapped filet, sausages and lamb chops. In their other hand they wield sharp knives which they use to slice these glorious meats onto the plates of the hungry patrons. Heaping piles of glistening pork, chicken and beef lay out as far as the eye can see.


I feel kinda sick just replaying it here for you.

Tomorrow, Day 2 of the festival will begin with a trip to the gym and a fasting session. One must pay penance for the gorging on Day 1, but oh what fun we had.


  1. Yeeee-ummmy. Just thinking about Fogo makes me drool. This blog was uber funny. ~VIVA LA REVOLUTION~! indeed.

  2. I'll have you know that I have thought about this restaurant multiple times since your post. And I can't quite get the idea of "glistening meat" out of my head. ;)
