Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I Want A Mulligan

Have you ever had one of those days when, oh say, about an hour into it you realize you want a 'do over?' In golf terms, a mulligan? You wish you had those Hiro Nakimaura powers (blatant Heroes reference) where time is stopped, reversed and everything starts all over again? I had one of those days today. First, the drive into work was SSSSSLLLLOOOOOOWW. We are talking snails' pace. My typical 22.5 minute commute turned into nearly an hour trudging along the sloppy, snowy highways. It is in these times, in these moments, when one really relies on the radio. Right? Well, mine just froze up. I punched buttons. I moved dials. Nuthin. The LED display was stuck. Anyone want to tell me where the re-boot button is on my car radio? I couldn't find it. I had absolutely no tunes on my long drive.

Hang on, I'm just getting warmed up.

As my trip to work neared an end, I got a funny feeling. A sort of, "what did I forget to do this morning" kinda feeling. Hmmmm. What was it? Then it hit me. I completely failed to apply deodorant. Yep. I was sans speedstick. Crap. Double crap. I took quick action, scampered into the company store (yes, we have one where I work) and snatched up a mini-size of Secret solid. Whew. Crisis averted. Thank you company store.

In my haste to get my hands on the precious anti-perspirant I forgot my laptop in my car. Of course, it wasn't until I finished the approximately 1.2 mile walk to my desk that I noticed this. The next 15 minutes went something like this: Drop purse on desk. Say good morning to my teammates, covertly apply deodorant, walk my arse back downstairs, out the door, into the vast parking lot, retrieve laptop, get back into work. I think I finally hit productivity at about 9:45am. Triple crap.

Fast forward an hour or so later. Mr. Oz calls me to ask "do we have insurance on our wedding rings?" PAUSE. PAUSE. PAUSE.

Me: "Uhm, yyyyeessssss, why?"
Mr. Oz: "I lost my ring."
Me: "huh? how?"
Mr. Oz: "scraping snow off my car."

OK, so this is not good. Not at all. Mr. Oz felt terrible. I was upset and then sad. He looked for it everywhere, but to no avail. The ring, it seems, has left the building. Luckily, we do have insurance so we'll get it all taken care of. It's only an object, right? Material stuff that can be replaced, no? But, I'm sure you can appreciate the impact this news might have on someone who is already having a (pardon my French) shitty day.




The day quickly devolved into a flurry of meetings, emails, phone calls, etc. Things started to look up. Then I got home, worked out, made and ate dinner, plugged in to do a little more work. Then I heard it . . . "sniff, sniff, wheeze, wheeze. sneeze. cough. wheeze. hack." What could it be? Sounds of respiratory distress filled the air. It was my cat. He seems to have caught a cold. Did you know cats get colds? Google it. I did. The poor little guy needs some Sudafed. They don't make Sudafed for cats. Google it. I did. Given kitty's pre-existing medical condition -- ideopathic epilepsy -- his cold does not bode well. Looks like Spence and I are taking a trip to the vet tomorrow. Like I have time for that.

Can I just have a mulligan for the entire week? Please???


  1. I'm going to officially add DO OVER to your Christmas list. When I'm there this week, I'll bring two things: a metal detector and a big bottle of vodka. We will not stop until the ring is found or we are too drunk to care.

  2. What a great sister!

    You can vent over a latte with me this weekend.

    My former boss used to keep deodorant in her desk and one in her purse. She would apply it every morning when she got into our office. It was a fun little routine thing that made me laugh everyday. I will re-enact it for you Sunday :D
