Monday, December 1, 2008

Prepare to Rumble Slumberland

It's going on week 4 and still no sign of my new bedroom furniture. What the "H" Slumberland? Why don't you call me already and schedule that delivery? I'm getting sick and tired of sleeping in the tiny spare bedroom. I've just about had it with the piling up of clothes and laundry baskets and bins full of crap just waiting for the copious storage space and ample drawers that the new dressers are guaranteed to provide. For the love of all that is good and holy, call me already and get your butts over to my house and BRING ME MY DAMN FURNITURE!!

Uhm, if I didn't mention it before, I have out-of-town guests coming on Dec. 12 and if I don't have my furniture by then, well let's see . . . me, Mr. Oz, Abysmal and Mr. Scribble are ALL going to be sleeping together in a single queen sized bed in that cramped little room. BAD! But, don't worry. Mr. Oz has a plan. We'll arrange ourselves so the boys are on either side and the sisters are in the middle. Wouldn't want any awkwardness happening, now would we.

SLUMBERLAND, you are on my list. The only way you can possibly redeem yourself is to call me and tell me my furniture is ready to ship a.s.a.p. Thank you very much. Your loyal (and increasingly crabby) customer.


  1. Interesting. We ordered our bedroom furniture there this summer. They warned us when we ordered it that it was popular and could be 4-6 weeks before it was delivered. It was about 4 weeks before we got it. I hope yours arrives soon!

    On the flip side, we just got a new kitchen table and chairs from HOM and it was delivered the next day!

  2. Dude you got to call them. Write down who you talk to and what they said. Then call tomorrow. Do the same. Rinse. Repeat. That way, you have a chain of bitterness written out so you can plan your revenge much easier.

    also? I hear Abysmal Scribble is just fine sleeping on a pile o' hay.

  3. What am I, a horse? No hay, no way....unless by HAY, you mean Marriott, cuz I can get behind that whole hotel hot tub thing.

  4. Dee, you can stay at the Huschka Hilton. You'll have your own bedroom, bathroom, exercise room and laundry! :D

  5. But doesn't the downstairs of the Huschka Hilton smell like bug spray??? Well, bug spray is better than hay I guess :)
