Thursday, February 5, 2009

Top Secret Mouth Breather

I have a cold. My sinuses are stuffed and my nose is plugged. This has caused me to breath through my mouth. I hate mouth breathing. Tonight, as I drew air into my mouth, all slack jawed and rumbly, my teeth felt really dry. Then, suddenly, I felt my enamel vibrate in a peculiar way on only one tooth. I believe it is my upper, right bicuspid (or maybe incisor) . . . I'm not quite sure. I'm not a dentist, so my occupation does not depend upon me knowing the scientific term for all of my teeth (thank goodness)! Anyhoooo. My dry tooth, parched by the assault of forced air heat in winter, feels like a tuning fork that someone has smacked with a hammer. Is is so strange.

OK, I'm not paranoid or anything, but . . .

What if the government has planted a secret recording device inside my bicuspid (or incisor)? What if this vibration I'm feeling just happens to be this device sending out a small signal to its intended receiver? What if its some sort of disk, containing launch codes or super sleuthy spy stuff and agents of mayhem are, at this very moment, tracking the signal to get their hands on the intell? They could be at my doorstep right now. Looking inside. Waiting for me to go to bed so they can swoop in and pull out my bicuspid (or incisor) with their sharp tooth pulling implements. AAAAAAHHHHHHHH.

Clearly, I'm watching too much Chuck, Fringe and 24 (i.e. Jack Bauer Power Hour). Crap.


  1. Ignore the vibrations. Tell more secrets out loud.

    Agent of Mayhem

  2. So what you're saying is you sound like Darth Vadar?! :)
