Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Animal Magnetism

News alert from the Oz household -- We are getting a puppy!! After talking, thinking, debating, talking, researching, considering and more talking, Mr. Oz and I feel we are ready to expand our family to include another furry friend. Big step. Not sure if we are prepared. But, sometimes you just have to close your eyes and jump, right? We are both dog lovers and are already looking forward to playtime, long walks and adorable doggy cuteness. Not terribly thrilled with housebreaking, chewed up shoes and naughty doggy hi-jinks. Sigh.

After much back and forth we decided on a Boston Terrier. A little online dabbling pointed us in the direction of a breeder in Wisconsin. They are a nice family operation -- not too big, not a puppy mill. Very friendly woman named Heidi runs the show and answered all my questions, gave me contact information to reach out to past purchasers. All good stuff. We just put down a deposit and when a new litter arrives, we'll get notified. It will probably be sometime in April. They keep the puppies for 6 weeks before they let the new owners come and pick them up.
Here are some Boston Terrier pics. Enjoy the adorable cuteness people.


  1. WOW! Congrats on the big decision! It is awesome having a dog in the family. I desperately wanted one as a child, but was denied. My grandparents had a dog at their farm, and I would lie on the ground, using that flea-bitten collie as my pillow. Finally got one a few years ago and it has been everything I ever hoped for and MORE.

    We adopted a mutt from the shelter who was about 6 months old and had been left to die, tied to a fence in sub-zero temps... he'd been beaten, we're pretty sure. Because he was 6 months old, we didn't have many potty training problems. He is the sweetest dog, took a long time to completely relax, but we're all so happy to have each other.

    Congrats, Lis!

  2. Congratulations on your puppy-to-be! I look forward to meet the little allergen & learning its name! Yippee!

  3. CONGRATS!!!!! Rosa is very excited!

  4. Tickets puh-lease. Tickets. Welcome to the Oz Zoo. Off to the right, you will find the tiger cages. Be careful. The female will lure you in with her sing song voice and then attack! Off to your left, you will find the Hound Pound. The monkey cages are still under construction and will be ready for viewing sometime next fall.
