Thursday, December 4, 2008

Viral Happiness

I just spotted this story on It is as if the universe was answering my last post with some cosmic creepiness. Apparently happiness is contagious and you can catch it like a virus from your friends and family. Who knew? It's science (as infamous San Diego Anchorman Ron Burgandy would say).

As you read the article, you will notice that this catchy contagion of happiness can only be picked up within a one mile radius. In other words, you have to be in close physical proximity to those happy buggers in order to grab some of their happiness. Abysmal, Hollow Squirrel and all you other far flung comrades out there in the infinite beyond -- you know what that means, don't you? You needs to be moving to the Twin Cities and, ah, preferably around the corner from moi. Only then will my happiness radiate out and penetrate your soul. Ha. Not that anyone would EVER accuse me of cornering the market on overt happiness or anything. Now, that's just plain silly.

This happiness study also claims that people who are happy are less likely to get sick. Nice! Does this help explain why Mr. Oz, who is almost perpetually happy, does NOT seem to get a cold or the flu whilst I am bombarded by the sore throat, dry eyes, sneezy, stuffy, achy, coughing demons multiple times each year? Rat salad. From now on, only happy people will enter my sphere. If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands -- and then get your butt to my house ya hear!!

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