Thursday, December 18, 2008

Slumberland: The Final Saga

Slumberland came through ladies and gents. The new bedroom furniture has FINALLY arrived. It looks wonderful and I cannot wait to crawl into my glorious bed tonight. I promise to include some photos in my next posting so I can share the "after" picture with my loyal readers.

Whoo Hooo! No more cramped spare bedroom. No more piles and stacks and heaping loads of clothes just waiting for a new dresser to live in. No more cursing and gnashing of teeth . . . well, at least not for now anyway. Casa del Osborne is now back in business. Overnight guests are welcome once again, but you will be relegated to the cramped spare bedroom when you arrive. Sorry. It's perfectly fine for a couple of nights, but quarters get a little tight after a couple of weeks.

You are damn lucky Slumberland. I was about to put a mob hit on you Tony Soprano style. Your knee caps have lived to see another pain-free day.

More to come . . . Hope everyone is having a terrific and joyous holiday season! Don't worry. I won't come after your knee caps. I do have SOME Christmas spirit after all. I'll save the ass kicking until after the New Year.

1 comment:

  1. Calllooooooh Callllay! I, my own damn self, was planning an assault on SL. Good thing they came through in the end. It could have gotten ugly. CHRISTMAS UGLY, if you know what I mean.
