Wednesday, December 31, 2008

My List of 2008 BESTS!

Seems like everyone and their cousin creates an end-of-year "Best Of 2008" list, so why should I be an exception? I took a few moments in the midst of my fevered and congested flu haze to create a list of my BESTS for 2008. This is not entirely comprehensive because, well, frankly, I only spent about 30 minutes or so pondering the topic. What you see here are just my top-of-mind thoughts. What were your favorite things in 2008? I'd love to hear them.

Flannel Sheets & King Size Beds
Obama's victory and his inspiring acceptance speech
Eckart Tolle's A New Earth
XM & Sirrius radio -- now they are one and the same. Hooray!
Beck and his Modern Guilt
Love & Marriage (go together like a horse and carriage)
Mad Men
The Rick Roll
Riveria Maya's moonlit beaches and swim up bars
David Osborne
Stephanie Meyer's Twilight books
Slumdog Millionnaire
The 2008 Summer Olympics
Rock Band & Guitar Hero World Tour
MacBook Pro
Oprah's Soul Series
Solera and Orange Osborne cocktails
Coldplay live at the Xcel Center
Fuzzy UGG slippers
Old friends who continue to be there and wonderful new friends who just enter your life
Freedom of speech and civil liberty
Ghetto sandwiches -- you have to try these babies. YUM!
Stainless Steel water bottles (i.e. Sigg)
David Pink and his Whole New Mind
Secret Diary of a Call Girl -- gotta love the BBC
Piracy where nobody gets hurt
Sophie & Bob and their furry little faces
Nissan Rogue
Happiness & Contentment

Here's to a grand 2008 and a look ahead to the promise of 2009. May we all find our BESTS in the year ahead!


  1. I enjoyed this post and I might cop our brilliance...obviously I would have different BESTS but you know copying you theoretically. Also, what are ghetto sandwiches?

  2. Ah, the ghetto sandwich. Well, when David lived in Spain, he and his buddies had to eat on the cheap. They would go buy a loaf of crusty bread, a pack of hot dogs and create a wonderfully tasty treat known affectionately as the ghetto sandwich. He re-created it for me. Here's the official recipe:

    Ghetto Sandwich

    1 loaf crusty baguette
    1 pack all-beef hot dogs
    2 eggs
    several slices of sharp cheddar cheese

    Slice hot dogs lengthwise and place in frying pan on med/high heat. Add a touch of olive oil to keep dogs from sticking.

    Remove dogs from pan and, in same pan, fry up a couple of the eggs over easy. Ideally, you want the yolk to be a little runny.

    Remove eggs. Slice bread. Drizzle one side of each bread slice with olive oil and heat in frying pan until each side is golden.

    Once bread is golden, stack with hot dogs, egg and top with cheese on one side of the bread slice. On the other side smear with ketchup. Place the dog, egg and cheese side under the oven broiler for a couple of minutes to melt the cheese and warm up the sandwich.

    Remove, add the remaining slice of bread (with ketchup) and enjoy! It may not sound good, but it is absolutely delicious.

  3. This totally sounds like something my dad would make and love. Thanks for sharing.
