Sunday, December 7, 2008

Rumble with Slumberland: Part Deux

After speaking to my Slumberland salesman yesterday, it appears that the highly anticipated bedroom furniture is arriving in multiple shipments. Much of it is coming from foreign parts unknown. My suspicion, although I have no way to confirm this, is it is on its way from a southeast Asian child labor sweatshop. Maybe the kids went on strike Norma Ray style and my dresser has sat partially finished while the union peeps lock horns with the corporate lords. I don't know. What I do know is this -- I cannot stand the Oz sleeping situation as it is much longer.

Now it appears that I will be lucky to get my goods by 2009. What!?!!! My itemized invoice, which I currently have in my possession, clearly states arrival on, or near, Dec. 5. This is some rotten business. What should I do? Cancel my order and find something else? Complain vehemently and demand a free nightstand or table lamp or something? Start a blog and tell everybody in the blog-o-sphere about my crappy experience? Oh wait . . . I already did that one.


Once again I repeat, "curses to you Slumberland and your forced child labor practices which I can only assume stands at the root of all of my restless sleep woes!"*

*IMPORTANT LEGAL DISCLAIMER: The contents of this blog should in no way be taken as a statement of provable fact. The are the opinions of one bitter person and do not represent reality in any way, shape or form. Thank you.


  1. And in this corner...weighing in at a svelt 115 pounds is the German TANK, the Sultan of Sauerkraut....SWEEEEEEEET LIIIIIIIIIIIIIS! And in this corner weighing in at an evil 200,000 tons, is the Corporate BEAST, the Destroyer of Dreams.... Sluuummmmmberland. Now lets touch gloves, go back to your corners and come out fighting.
