Sunday, July 20, 2008

Summer Reminiscing

It is a hot one outside today my friends. Hot. It's the kind of weekend day you long for in the middle of January when the snow is 3 feet deep, the wind is howling and the elements are so bitter one could freeze their extremities if exposed for more than 5 minutes. In those cold, cold days it is a pleasant thought to consider the blazing heat of July and all those associations that go along with it. The irony of this, of course, is when it does get up into the low 90's or higher, we tend to scramble into the nearest air conditioned home, restaurant or movie theater. I would go on to contend that, as humans, we always want what we do not currently have. But, this would be false because even though it is crazy hot outside, I am not wishing for the sub-zero winter just yet (and likely never will).

Summer . . . it is more than a season, it is a state-of-mind. It beckons to us and draws us back to our fondest childhood memories when school was out, vacation was a 3 month long adventure and the sound of lawnmowers and sprinklers awakened our sense of joy and happiness. As a kid, if someone would have asked me what images come to mind when I think about summer, I probably would have said a swimming pool, a bicycle, and roller skates. As an adult, my summer images have changed ever so slightly.

The refreshing citrus sourness of the perfect summer margarita rimmed with salt. The fire pit and the reminiscent smells of smoky burning wood lingering on your clothes, hair and skin. A fold out camping chair in the background just waiting for the group to assemble and share a few laughs round the old fire. These are the things that make my adult summer time sing. Now, my images seem to hold a distinct theme of leisure and lethargy (dare I say booze!) while as a child they were all about activity and boundless energy. What has happened? Have I lost my vigor for life? Is this just a typical growing old stuff? I'm not sure and I don't know if one is better than the other. I do know that, as a child, my summers were about speeding up, moving fast, getting gone and racing around. Now, I feel like I get plenty of that in my day-to-day hustle and bustle life -- well, not the exercise part but just the frantic stressed out part. When I do get out and enjoy summer I want to slow it down, be calm, take a breathe and just exist. Funny how things change.

I hope you are all having a low key and enjoyable summer so far. Remember to take time to sip the margaritas and hang out by the campfire if that is the kind of summer thing you like to do.

Oh, and if it is HOT where you live I recommend ducking into a cool theater to see the new Batman movie. Mr. Oz and I went on Friday and it was better than I expected. Definitely a great summer flick.


  1. I look forward to Spring and Fall. I especially like days with plenty of clouds but no rain. Summer is too hot and bright, and winter is too dark and cold, but Spring and Fall are perfect!

  2. Not that I like to quote The Cars, but....."Summah. You turn me upside down. Summah. Summah. SummmmAH. Like a merry go round." I want to drink a sour margarita with you this summer! When? Where?
