Thursday, July 3, 2008

Road Construction Rage

July 3, 2008. I began the day with a goal. I had big, ambitious plans. The kind of plans where you take a day off work, make reservations, wake up early and map out your day. What, you ask, were these gigantic plans? Previously I wrote about the need to sell the townhouse and find something a little spacious for the Oz's. In that post, I had declared a need to de-clutter in order to put the house on the market. Well, today was going to be a day of de-cluttering. Last week, I reserved a 10 foot truck. You see we have some miscellenous boxes, small furniture and the like that simply will not fit in our cars. That's where the truck comes in. Bright and early this morning, we lept out of bed and hightailed it over to Metro RV & Storage. Sounds like a great place full of helpful peeps, shiny equipment and everything one could possibly need to take care of their moving needs.


Driving to pick up our truck, I noticed a great deal of road construction going on. I took the turn and BAM, haulers and pavers and blades and such dotted the landscape at precisely the spot where I was to turn in. No big deal, right? Just turn around and look for a detour. There has to be one. Right?

Oh there was. We followed it only to be taken on a wild goose chase around the hills and vales of our fair suburb. The back way in, too, was blocked. Road closed. Dead end. Too bad.

I had a phone number so being the responsible person that I am, I called. No one answered. Not to be thwarted (I am resourceful, after all) we called the national Budget rental hotline and conveyed the story of the ill-placed road construction. They gave us an alternate number for the joint. Again, no one answered. We dialed that damn number like 16 times. Nothin.

You can be sure I left a message in a very stern tone. My plans, in an instant, were gone. My goal for the day was not to be.

A few hours later I received a call from the place. Apparently the road construction louts accidently cut off their phone line so they could not receive incoming calls nor make outgoing calls. I was also told that we could have driven on the 'closed road' if we would have stopped to ask the construction truck driver dudes to let us through. Whatever. I'm done. You lost your chance Metro RV & Storage. From now on, consider yourself dead to me.

Anyone have a pick-up truck we can borrow? Help. I need to DE-CLUTTER!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, that is MADDENING! You were all ready to go and then they had to go and burst your productive bubble. Damn them!!! I hope you had a good day off in spite of the chaos! If we lived closer, I'd drive the minivan over for your use. :( Sorry!!
