Sunday, July 13, 2008

Jillian Makes Big Promises (But Can She Keep Em)

If you are familiar with the television show, The Biggest Loser, you would know trainer Jillian Michaels. She's one tough Beeatch. She has known to make big, tough men cry like little babies. She trains people until they vomit and then yells at them to wipe the puke from their face and get back on the treadmill for another mile. This woman has absolutely no sympathy. So, a few weeks ago I was in the market for an exercise DVD and what did I see but Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

This little gem promises you can lose up to 20 pounds if you complete one of the 20 minute circuit training workouts each day for 30 days. Hmmmm. I was intrigued. Really? 20 lbs? Only 20 minutes a day? OK, Jillian. What's the catch? Do I have to workout in a 115 degree room wearing one of those vinyl jumpsuits that traps my sweat against my skin? Must my only food for the month be a diet of celery and my own tears to quench my thirst? I read the DVD jack and didn't see anything like that. No. It was pretty straightforward and there weren't any gimmicks. So, I'm giving you 30 days Jillian. Of course, I can't eat cheeseburgers and fries and still expect this promise to be fulfilled so I'm ready to do my part if Jillian does hers. A nutritious breakfast to start the day. Lots of water. Sensible lunch and dinner. No junk food. And 20 minutes a day with Jillian. All right BeeAtch, Brrring IT!


  1. Let me know how it goes, I could use a good kick in the rear. For easy and free food tracking I suggest See you soon!

  2. This blog made me laugh outloud and hard. Oh SWEEEEEEEETS! You rock the casbah. By the way, if you want a weight watchers-ish webby that is free, see

    Go Jillian.
