Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The James Beard Awards

I was perusing some of my favorite blogs and stumbled across the list of 2008 James Beard award winners. If you are unfamiliar with the James Beard awards, I can easily provide an explanation. These are top props for all of those chefs and restaurateurs out there. Think Academy Awards for the culinary world.

2008 James Beard Awards

I have yet visited many of the listed restaurants, but it doesn't really matter. A girl can dream. I consider myself to be a bit of a food snob, or better said, an appreciator of all things gourmet and delicious. I will just add many of these lauded spots to my list of things/places to go before I die -- my very own bucket list. Extra HUGE kudos to 112 Eatery, La Belle Vie and Restaurant Alma in Minneapolis. All were nominated under the category of Best Midwest Chef. I've visited each of these and can attest to their creative and tasty fare. Beware of the sweetbreads and other organ meat on the menu at Alma. You can run, but you can't hide!

The Gramercy Tavern in NYC won the Outstanding Restaurant award. This is extra exciting for me, not because I've ever been to the Gramercy Tavern. I haven't. But, I do boast a connection. A high school friend, Nancy Olson, is the head pastry chef. Her desserts are magnificent. I'm contemplating a trip to NYC simply to try one (or more than one) of her sweet treats. She's a genius. Her pastry inspired.

Under the category of books, I just picked up Barbara Kingsolver's latest, Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life. I haven't cracked into yet. Still trying to finish a few of my other books. But, I can hardly wait to start reading it . . . Among my favorite books of 2007 were a couple by Michael Pollan. The Ominvore's Dilemna was eye opening and really made me rethink my attitude and behavior toward the food we eat. If you are interested in taking a closer look at how we, as a society, plant, pick, transport, manipulate, pen and produce our food, than this is a read for you. It is scary at times. Many have likely heard the term, industrial military complex as a description used for our war-ready economy. I think we also have a industrial food complex which pumps an amazing amount of crap into our diets each day. After reading Pollan's book, you'll want to take a hot shower and then pick up an apple, wash off the pesticides and chemicals and take a big bite.

1 comment:

  1. I will hunt you down and kill you if you come to NY and I don't see you. I'll meet you at the Tavern. I MUST. I miss you. Ok, so I won't kill you, but a stern talking-to might happen.
