Monday, October 20, 2008

Practicing My Superhero Moves!

It was a beautiful Fall weekend in Minnesota. My good buddy Sunny and I had a little hang time on Sunday where we skipped about town and partook in some of my best activities. Oh, and her real name is not Sunny. I'm just protecting her identity before I place a smattering of images containing her face all over the world wide web. Aren't I nice?

One cannot unleash devilish hi-jinks and general mayhem on unsuspecting citizenry on an empty stomach. Thus, our first stop was brunch at 20.21. Not your standard greasy spoon, 20.21 is Wolfgang Puck's white table cloth restaurant at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis. Typically, you might me and my crew at places like Hot Plate or The Egg and I, but not today. Today was a different day. Today was special. Today, Sunny had a gift certificate and we were aiming to cash it in. Yee Haw!! A $30 per plate brunch buffet is no problem when you have a gift certificate. On a scale from 1 to 10 with 1 being 'god awful I think I got e-coli' and 10 being 'ultimate deliciousness so good I would sell my soul for some more,' I would rate 20.21's brunch as a ho-hum 7.5. The service and setting were posh, no doubt. The sugar and creamer set were aesthetically pleasing, sparse and modern architecturally inspired tableware. The food was just o.k. It's the kind of place you take out-of-town guests if you want to impress them with your fine taste and disregard for the current economic recession. For all others, might I suggest the McCafe at McDonald's?

But, where else can you go for Sunday brunch and see a cool, stylized picture of Mao? Well, maybe China, but not in MN . . .

After eating our fill of fancy food, we hit the sculpture garden. It was here that we practiced our superhero powers. If you don't believe me, just take a look. We lifted heavy spoons with huge cherries:

Then we undertook deadly kung fu maneuvers. Remember kids, don't try this at home:


Shortly after frightening small children and fluffy pets with our stealth and cunning, we changed out of our capes and tights and picked up some Caribou. That's right. We grabbed not one, but two Caribous with our bare hands. Sarah Palin, eat your heart out. Sunny's so tough, she got herself a large one!

As weariness crept upon us, our adventures took us to picturesque Minnehaha Falls. We kicked back just soaking up the lovely Fall scenery. Again, more hero powers were put to the test as we listened in on the private conversations of several park patrons. It isn't our fault. The acoustics are crazy and sometimes people don't talk as softly as they should. I will spare you these final pictures. But, rest assured, the day was glorious. Thanks for the good times Sunny. I had a blast!


  1. Ah, when I heard "Sunny" I expected to see her donning some Crocket type Miami white suit with a T underneath, no socks with loafs. "I can feel it coming in the air tonight..oh Lord......"

  2. where are your kungfu kicks?!

    -love sunny

  3. yes, more pics of your kung fu moves...or are you keeping your arsenal a secret?

  4. where's the pic of you in your new specs? They are tres chic!
