Sunday, October 12, 2008

I Have A Dream

I'm looking for a little dream interpretation help from the blog-o-sphere. Usually, I don't remember my dreams, but last night was a notable exception. I must have left the zone of R.E.M sleep and, in the early morning hours, slipped into the fuzzy border town between full on slumber and wakefulness. It was in this fog of unconscious consciousness that I experienced what could only be considered an ominous and bizarre vision. Kick back and relax for I shall now try to describe this odd dream.

It began with me at work. I was roaming the hallway but there were no lights on. Everything was very dark, dim and shadowy. It didn't feel scary, just no lights. Then I noticed that everyone, including me, had green shirts on. All with varying shades and tones of green. Hmmmm. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, it was announced (or I just knew) we were celebrating a Jewish festival of sorts. There were large tour buses waiting outside to carry all employees to an undisclosed location to celebrate this festival. Again, it was declared (or I just knew) that Oprah Winfrey was scheduled to be at this festival. I walked outside and, on my way to the buses, I started to climb a rather large pyramid. Not sure why I had to do this or where the pyramid came from. The pyramid was rough and covered in rocks and sand. It was quite steep which made my climb very difficult. In fact, I could only walk half way up the side of the pyramid before I was forced to stop. I simply could not make it any higher. Then I looked up and saw that Oprah was at the top of the pyramid and she was walking down to greet me. We met at the half way point where Oprah proceeded to welcome me and give me a big, warm hug. It was AWESOME!

Then, the scene faded and I went back inside. I entered the ladies bathroom to "freshen up" before the festival. I was in one of the stalls and had just opened the door to exit when I saw a Latina woman with large spectacles standing in front of the sink. She was looking at herself in the mirror with her hands over her abdomen. She started talking about how she did not feel well. She kept repeating "I can't move. I can't move." Other women gathered around her to try and help. The woman said (or I just know) that she had recently given birth and was just now returning back to work. Suddenly, she pulled her hands away from her body and they were covered in blood. Her cries of "I can't move" continued. I was frozen and could not move.

Women ran out and called out for a doctor. There were doctors on one of the festival buses. Instead of doctors coming off the bus to help the woman, they pulled the woman onto the bus and placed her in the back on one of the long seats in a reclining position. Soon, the woman gave birth to ANOTHER baby. This baby was hiding inside her while the other baby, presumably its twin, was born weeks earlier. One of the doctors held the baby up by its feet. It looked blue and wrinkly. The baby began to cry.

I woke from my dream.

I ask you, what does this mean? The darkened workplace? The green shirts? The Jewish festival? The pyramid which I was only able to climb part of the way up? Oprah coming down to warmly greet me? The woman in the bathroom unable to move? My own paralysis when I saw her bloody hands? Then, the much delayed birth of the "other" twin? I wish I was making this up, but I am not.

Help. Someone once told me that every person or thing in a dream represents an aspect of the dreamer. If that is the case, I would be able to spot myself in all of these characters and places. Hmmmm. So, am I the green shirt? Am I the pyramid, the climber, Oprah or all of them combined? I'm sure I was the voyeur within the dream, but was I also the pregnant woman AND the new baby? I'm out of my league here people. Throw me some ideas.



  1. I consulted a dream dictionary and emailed you the possible interpretations of your dream. I found them very interesting.
