Monday, October 13, 2008

I Got Specs Appeal

Accessories are fabulous. Would you agree?

If you follow my blog ramblings then it will come as no surprise that I loves me some purses, shoes and miscellaneous flair. Yes, I said flair but not like the TGI Friday's kind. Oh no. I hate THAT flair.

Whilst on my Staycation I undertook an epic quest to find the perfect pair of eyeglass frames. My criteria for this particular accessory was as follows:

A) Suits my face shape
B) Does not pinch or otherwise constrict my nose, ears or general facial area
C) Color and shape are befitting my personal taste and rock star lifestyle
D) NO Sarah Palin look-alike specs
E) Adds major DRAMA without tragic consequences or geek factor
F) Contains dark Harry Potter-like magic charms allowing me to conjure spirits from the outer dimension, banish unsightly back fat and fill my coffers with gold dabloons (ahoy matey).

OK, so I was willing to give a little on that last one, but seriously, this was a tough job!

After trying on about a gazillion pairs of frames, annoying the store clerk with my continuous demands for "more drama" and eliminating nearly all of them due to their inability to make me look super cool and hot, I landed on these bad boys. What d'ya think?

I have to wait a week for the optician to grind down my lenses. Apparently I am almost legally blind (-925 if that means anything to ya) so I have to pay extra to have my lenses "thinned" out as much as possible. In exchange for this pricey add-on I get to avoid a major Coca-Cola bottle, inhumanely large googly eyeball effect. Yeah for me! I'm looking forward to the day when they make glasses with built in laser beams.

I'll post pictures of me sporting my new glasses so you can see the final effect. Sans laser beams, of course.


  1. I heard, from a reliable source, that your glasses indeed make you look like a rock star. I can't wait to see them on you!

  2. When you get those dabloons, I want a party of the booty. Tee hee, I said BOOTY.

    Get lasic and buy fake glasses for drama.

  3. Ooh, I love em!! They will look awesome w/ the hair.

  4. i was totally going to say what G$ said and then I read her comment. BOO! They will will super chic with the hair and will compliment most everything super cool you wear! Nice find!

  5. You've always had sassy glasses and these are no different. They are beautiful and will go well with your gorgeous hair! I wanna see a pic, please!

  6. You've always had sassy glasses and these are no different. They are beautiful and will go well with your gorgeous hair! I wanna see a pic, please!

  7. You've always had sassy glasses and these are no different. They are beautiful and will go well with your gorgeous hair! I wanna see a pic, please!
