Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sweating Is Sweet

I've decided I really need to take better care of myself. While I like to think of myself as this ageless, ever youthful, perpetually nimble and spry gal, let's face it . . . I'm no spring chicken! In about 6 months I'm going to be closer to 40 than I am to 30. That fact alone should be enough to strike a little fear in my heart (still beating, not yet dysfunctional heart). In November of last year I took a pretty big step toward healthier living. I enlisted a personal trainer. Her name is Meghan and she's very nice but really knows how to kick my butt. She comes to my house once a week. For a few months, she was coming twice a week. Wedding preparations, you might say. Her routine is what you would call Boot Camp. I was doing all sorts of jumping jacks, leap frogs, mountain climbers, twists and push-ups. She had me running up and down my stairs, lifting weights, etc. Now, I'm not saying these activities are "My Best." In fact, you could often hear me complaining, whining and heavy breathing my way through most of it. But, I will say, that with the exception of about a 4 year period in high school when I was on the basketball and volleyball teams, I am in decent shape. Not superior, smoking hot bod shape. No. I have plenty of weight to lose. BUT, I did notice a reduction of a few inches and my clothes did seem to fit me better.

Since the wedding, I have been a slacker. My level of exercise has severely diminished. I have rarely made it to the gym and my muscles feel atrophied. This is, quite frankly, lame. I've spent a fair amount on a trainer, gym membership and have put in some time working my way up to the point where I don't breathe like an 20 year, 3 pack a day smoker when I climb a flight of stairs. That said, I'm back at it people. I went to the gym on Sunday and got back on that darn elliptical machine. Meghan came over tonight and put me through my paces. It was rough. I'm not gonna lie. But, when I made it through I felt pretty gosh darn good. I'm not going claim that exercise will ever be "My Best." It just won't be. But, I'm going to keep at it and see what I can achieve for my health and well being. I'll keep you posted blog fans.

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