Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Rut Of Secret Powers

Saw the movie Wanted on Friday. Very entertaining flick. I'm becoming a fan of James McAvoy from Adaptation and Last King of Scotland fame. This kid's got talent. In Wanted he plays Wesley Gibson -- anxiety attack prone accountant who sits in his cubicle and laments his tortured and mundane existence. It is all very Matrix like (ala mild mannered nobody becomes the hero) as Gibson suddenly realizes his father was a deadly assassin and he has inherited good old dad's gifts of making time slow down, bending bullets around walls and other murderously delicious talents. Angelina Jolie is Fox, the lady assassin who generally kicks ass and trains Gibson to take up the mantle of his now deceased father. He joins the band of unruly hooligans and the madness ensues. The action is stellar. The plot, although somewhat half-baked, has enough going for it to keep it interesting. This is a summer must-see people. Get out of the house and buy yourself that tub of popcorn and Enjoy!

This movie got me thinking about my own slightly boring life as an office dweller in cubicle land. I think the theme of the movie is something that so many can relate to these days. The relative monotony of modern life can bring you down and sometimes the days just seem to string together in a long haze of repetitious acts of waking, work, tv, sleep and back to start it all over again. I don't mean to sound to defeatist or harsh, but a person can get stuck in a rut. I know. I've been there. Maybe I have some secret assassin power that I'm not even aware of? Could I read minds? Go back in time? Kill an enemy with a sneeze or fart? Probably not. My rut involves inactivity and the vortex of my sofa. It sucks me into its web of comfort and relaxation and I'm unable to break free from its clutches. Damn you vile overstuffed furniture. I curse you and will one day avenge myself by killing you with a single fart.

Whilst waiting for the movie to begin, I got to partake in one my favorite movie going rituals -- the previews. I love the previews. Among the teasers was one for the new X-Files movies. Talk about scrumptious. I cannot wait to see this one. July 25th baby! For those who knew me when, you will attest to my love (dare I say obsession) with the X-Files tv show. Oh, Mulder why did you leave us hanging?

And speaking of summer extravaganzas . . . this summer could find the Oz's moving. Sick of the clutter and chaos of tiny casa del Oz, I've engaged in communication with the realtor today. Also got ourselves a storage unit and will be renting a truck next week to transport said clutter to said storage unit. By God, the mere thought of ditching some of the crap (at least momentarily) makes me giddy with excitment. Small furniture, wedding gifts, boxes of clothes and miscellaneous stuff will all be loaded and stored. We need to get the place in tip-top shape and put it on the market. Good times. While I'm looking forward to the prospect of a new place, a larger place, the notion of the whole selling and buying process does not totally thrill me. Any advice for the would-be real estate dabblers?

While I'm waiting for input from y'all, I'm going to keep looking for my super, secret power. I'll practice my death ray stare and see if I can control my heart rate with my mind. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

  1. GM hasn't become a cult, has it? You aren't discarding all of your worldly goods and moving onto one of their many "compounds", are you?
