Thursday, June 26, 2008

Coldplay Cookies

Poodle sent this to me tonight:

Cookie Lady

It made me laugh out loud and hard. This chic is all about getting her cookie and it makes her HAPPPPPPYYYYYYYYY! I wish I was that overtly crazy about something, anything.

Well, I suppose you could argue that I did get a wee bit crazy when I saw Coldplay on the Daily Show.

Oh my. Chris Martin is stinkin adorable. I love his shy little, awkwardly geeky, bouncy, melodic, witty, British ways. We downloaded their new release and it would definitely fit under the heading of My Best. Loving it. You'll probably recognize the title track from the recent IPod commercial where little Chris is boppin and hopping about. It is incredibly catchy and I can't help but get the line "Roman Catholic choirs are singing" trapped in my head each time I hear it. In a recent review, the Vancouver Sun wrote "
Coldplay's latest effort is nothing more than a cross between The Beatles, U2 and Radiohead." While I will admit to catching some similarities, particulary in the composition and production (supplied by ambient music pionneer Brian Eno), this is far from a rip-off. This is Coldplay with some added layers of lushness and tranquil overtones.

I purchased tickets to see the lads from the UK on July 8 in St. Paul. A birthday present for Mr. Oz. Sadly, they postponed their date to Nov. 12. Wha!?! I'm not sure I can wait that long. Oh Chris, you need to be-bop and bang your piano keys westward to my door. Puhleease. I'm like the crazy cookie lady . . . . Coldplay makes me HHAAAAAAAAPPPPPYYYYYYYYY!

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