Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blog Discovery

Some might resist this blog based simply upon it's name -- Stuff White People Like.


Initially, I had the same reaction. This is not a politically correct name for a blog. Why would anyone use such a non-PC title? Who writes this? What is their purpose? Is it to subvert all of the great inclusion work we, as a society, have undertaken thus far? Is it to further divide this great nation of ours by pointing out our differences from those of other cultures, creeds and races? Hmmmm. I wondered this too. Then I linked to the site and took a read for myself. People, this blog is HILARIOUS. It is definitely worth the time to check it out. Go back and peruse the archives of this little gem. You will soon find out that white people really like things like expensive sandwiches, t-shirts and Starbucks. No big surprise for sure. The witty commentary IS surprisingly enjoyable. I hesitate to admit that I like many of the things listed by this blog's author.

Yes, it is true. I am a white person.

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