Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Doppelgangers: A Study of Happiness Contrast & Similarity

Happiness Photo Experiment – Day 12.

Today’s entry is a study of contrasts. Two images of a similar nature, one representing – for me – sweaty palm, heart palpitation, anxious displeasure while the other puts me in a state of blissful serenity and calm relaxation. Oddly enough, I experienced both of these in the same day. It’s the doppelganger of happiness. The Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

First, you have the anti-happy photo depicting the examination table at my doctor’s office. Happiness rating = -3

While I don’t necessarily dislike my doctor (she’s actually a very lovely lady), I really dread going to the clinic even if it is for a very mundane visit like today’s trip. Six months ago my doctor changed a prescription med I was taking and asked me to come back so she could check everything out. I guess she wanted to make sure my blood was still red and my urine was still . . . ah, you get the picture. It was easy. But, why do I always feel like my just walking in the door shoots my blood pressure about at least 10 points? I'm not even scared of needles. I think it has something to do with the fear of what my doctor might tell me -- fear of the unknown. There is also this vague feeling of not being fully prepared, kinda like the pre-finals feeling in college when you studied a lot, maybe even all night, but aren’t quite confident that you will do well. You know what I’m sayin?

But, no need to fear. All is well with me from a physical standpoint!

Now, we have the mucho gracias happiness photo of the massage table which I just laid upon for a delightful 60 minutes! Ahhh . . . so nice. Happiness rating = solid 7.

A few months back I signed up for a membership at Massage Envy. For a low monthly fee I receive an hour long massage each month. It is a great stress reliever. Tonight I asked my therapist, Marissa, to focus on my neck, shoulders and back and she went to town. I’m slightly embarrassed to admit that I fell asleep. Yep. Don’t even want to think about whether or not I snored or involuntarily did anything else crude. Nevertheless, this table represents a lot of what is good and right in the world.

Funny how two objects, so closely related in size, appearance, weight and color and general styling, could evoke such different and extreme emotions. They both are situated in small, closed door rooms where it is eerily quiet. Hey, you are even asked to undress in each of them from time to time. Ok, now I'm freaking myself out.

I guess it isn’t the object, but what surrounds it, and the meaning and memories we connect to it, which is the true predictor of our happiness (or eventual creep out).

Are there any two objects, so closely related yet oh so far apart on your happiness meter? If so, please share.

1 comment:

  1. It's a real condition - White Coat Syndrome...


    I suffer from it. BP is sky high before and during the exam. But then when its over, its much lower.

    As for objects closely related - how about a laptop or computer? could be the same object but has multiple uses.
