Last night my childhood dream came true. No, I did not run away with Andy Gibb -- God rest his soul. Nope. My OTHER childhood dream came true. I played drums, bass and sang lead in a rock band. It may not come as a surprise to you, but we -- as a technologically advanced society -- have evolved from board games and cards to a new form of all-family entertainment. Move over Monopoly and cribbage with your dusty old dice and your paper and pencil score keeping. You are obsolete, done, finished, SO over. The new thing for all the cool kids these days is to gather around the warm glow of the X-Box 360 and participate in, what I can only describe as, a cross between karaoke and joining your own cover band -- Rock Band baby, Rock Band. If you have ever fantasized about being Axl Rose or Flea from the Red Hot Chili Peppers (and might I add, "ick" on the latter and "scary" on the former), this game is for you.
I am pleased to report, that Mr. Oz and I absolutely LOVED it!
Our good friends Jenny and Ryan broke out the hospitality and the console to deflower the Rock Band virgins that we were. Oh we rocked their fine Woodbury casbah kickin out a mix of old school hard rock, punk and Seattle grunge. I'm not ashamed to say that I provided some vocal stylings to the likes of Soundgarden's Black Hole Sun and Radiohead's Creep. Yeah, I did. I also might have played drums on a rendition of a classic Who song, but who's bragging? Mr. Oz crooned Rush's Tom Sawyer. Thanks be to Princess Sushi and Senor Sushi for the good eats, great fun and wild tunes.
Some pics of "the band." Mr. Oz working the bass. Princess Sushi on guitar and that's JoJo Fries doing her best Simon Le Bon. No autographs please.
I am officially sold. Now, we just have to find Rock Band for the Nintendo Wii and we're all set. Everyone is invited over to our house of Rock Band part deux when we get it. Rock On!!
They have Wii Rock Band. It costs a couple hundred bones.
ReplyDeleteI wanna ROCK! (ROCK!) I WANT TO ROCK! (ROCK!)
ReplyDeleteP.S. We picked up Rock Band on Sunday. We are ROCK ready my friends.