Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Dog Ate My Homework

There is a lot to worry about these days. We have a war based on false pretenses still raging in Iraq. Our economy is in the crapper and shows no real signs of ceasing its plummet. David Duchoveny is suffering from a terrible sex addiction and I can't get the smell of rotten fruit out of my refrigerator. BUT, thank goodness we have someone like John McCain running for President of the U.S. I'm sure he can save us from at least one of these disastrous events -- my bet is he can help cure David Duchovney of his porn induced malady.

So, I'm being sarcastic. I'm not a McCain fan. Really. But, you have to admit this so-called Maverick does seem to be sporting a pair. Why do I say this? Well, only someone with balls of steel would try a stunt like this.

C'mon! Seriously? First it was the old "we need to postpone the RNC because of Hurricane Gustav" excuse so he didn't have to reveal himself as the boring, crusty, worn out, just following Bush's footsteps, non-change agent that he is. Naysayers (and Republican lovers) can cry foul at my cynisism and try to tell me that McCain really did care about the impending natural disaster. His heart went out to those poor Gulf Coast citizens. I politely disagree.

Now, we are led to believe that he truly has the best interests of the nation at heart and, as such, wants to suspend his campaign to focus on the financial crisis. Dude. Obviously, McCain is just looking to duck out of the debates with Obama and he's pulling the well oiled "the dog ate my homework" trick. I guess in this case, it is more like "the Wall Street Bankers shat in my underwear" excuse.

While I could really take this whole decision to task and claim McCain was scared to face Obama in a debate, I won't. No. I will take a different approach. Here are two examples of McCain threatening to hold his proverbial breathe until crap blows over and things get better. Well, guess what Johnny? Stuff just doesn't go away. Crisis is always on the verge of breaking out. Bad stuff will continue to happen. I don't think I'm interested in a president who just stays put and closes the door hoping that others will make it better while he waits it out. Now is the right time to have a debate and talk about how the next president needs to get us out of this mess. Now is the perfect time to engage in a dialogue and then action. Now is not the time for "the dog ate my homework" excuse. Sorry Maverick. You suck.


  1. Um, dude. I think that the Ballsier move was the cancelation of his Letterman gig. When did Ballssssie replace schtupid?

  2. i wish someone would turn that paragraph of McCain hate into a song. I would put it on repeat until the election. :)
