Sunday, April 24, 2011

Weekend Get-Away

To celebrate our upcoming 3 year wedding anniversary, Mr. Oz and I took a little weekend get-away to the Wisconsin Dells.  For those of you familiar with the Dells, you may have images of indoor water parks, theme rides and various touristy establishments burned into your memory.  Places like this may come to mind:
While we saw plenty of this kind of stuff, we didn't stay at a theme park filled with screaming kiddos.  Not this time.  Instead, we went here:  Sundara Inn & Spa.  It.  Was.  Awesome.  I suppose its not for everyone.  If you don't like relaxing spa treatments, spacious villas equipped with tranquil lighting, music, comfy robes, big ole jacuzzi and related amenities, well, than this place would not be for you.  If you are into all that stuff, then you might like it.  

Now, I'm not a child-hater.  Really, I'm not.  I love kids, especially cute little babies when they are all "goo goo" and "ga ga."  But, I have to say, it was really nice to stay at a kid free resort.  Quiet.  Peaceful.  My guess is this would be a welcome retreat for parents who just needed to get away from the little tykes for a few days.  To ensure the peace is preserved, Sundara posts signs notifying people to leave their electronic devices in their room and to silence cell phones.  Again, bravo.  I'd highly recommend booking a spa treatment.  I had an 80 minute organic facial and it was pure heaven.  

Was good to leave our everyday behind and escape even for a few days.  Renewal of spirit amidst the cheese shops and water slides?  Yes, it can be done.  Try it if you are looking for a some quality quiet time. 

1 comment:

  1. You always find cool spa and food places. I love reading about it and sometimes trying the places too. :)
