Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apparently Australians Are Known for Their Licorice

Did you know that Aussie's are really good at making licorice?  I wasn't aware of this until very recently when I was out doing some shopping with my friend J-Hawk.  She bought a bag of some "fancy" licorice and offered me a sample.  OMG.  It was divine . . . intense fruity smell, soft and pliable texture, flavorful burst of strawberry in my mouth.  My interest was piqued.  I grabbed the bag and saw it claimed to be the finest of Australian licorice.  Now, I know the Aussie's are great at many things including Olympic swimming, Crocodile hunting and throwing shrimps on the barbie.  I had never heard of their prowess at making confections and sweet treats. 

My favorite brands, thus far, are Kookaburra and Darrell Lea.  In my research, I found that Darrell Lea has been making licorice since 1927 AND it is fat free and low in salt.  See below for excerpt from online review in case you don't believe me: 

Since 1927, Darrell Lea has been creating delicious and unique soft eating liquorice for Australians. The finest ingredients are combined to produce a soft treat that is 98% fat free and low in salt. Liquorice, with its nourishing qualities, is great to enjoy any occasion and Darrell Lea soft eating liquorice is best enjoyed straight from the bag.

Hey, it has nourishing qualities.  Yeah it does.  

I absolutely love discovering things like this.  Makes me feel like I'm on the cutting edge . . . a trendsetter who is way "in the know."  Unfortunately now I am addicted to the stuff.  Every time I go to the store, I look for this delightful Australian licorice. I have a stash at my desk at work, in my car and at home.  Word must be getting out and sales must be up as I've seen more and more stores carry the candy.  However, the down side of this is also more out-of-stocks.  Just today I was in Target and where there were once six facings of Darrell Lea licorice, all I saw was empty space.  Target was completely OUT.  Gone.  None.  What did I find instead?  Market Pantry 'Aussie-style chewy candy.'  Target is making their own Australian licorice, er, "Aussie style."  It's not really Australian you see.  It only pretends to be.  Poser.  

Ok, Ok.  I bought it.  It tastes good.  Dammit. 

Oh and Wiley Wallaby also makes an Australian Style licorice.  Also tasty, but manufactured in Perham, MN.  

If I worked for Twizzler, I'd be looking into the secrets of Aussie licorice making ASAP.  Those Aussie's must be stealing share. Who knew the licorice category could be so competitive?

Thank you Australia.  I salute you. 

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