Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Do-It-Yourself Salad

Happiness photo experiment - Day 13

Mr. Oz and I decided to take a break from the kitchen and go out for dinner tonight. We probably do this once, sometimes twice, a week although typically these outings are relegated to the weekend. Now, you might think a twice weekly restaurant outing is kinda extravagant, I mean we are in an economic downturn, right? Well, we aren't necessarily living high on the hog as we tend to stick to local haunts such as a nearby Irish Pub, burger joint or a variety of QSR's (that's quick service restaurants for the acronym challenged :) ) As much as I like a fine dining experience, we are certainly not above the occasional run to Jimmy John's, Chipotle or this evenings hot spot, Ruby Tuesday's. You know what you are going to get so two thumb's up for consistency AND you get some decent food for a decent price. Anyway . . .

Why am I rambling on about all of this you might ask? Tonight's photos come straight from the belly of the Ruby Tuesday's beast. I present for your viewing pleasure, our salad bar creations.

My salad

Mr. Oz's salad

My fine friends, a good salad bar makes me pretty happy. There are a few reasons for this:

1) Fresh vegetables. I don't get enough of them. Somehow it always seems like a wise choice to get loads of fresh veg when I'm at the grocery store, but we can never eat it and it often goes bad. Enter the salad bar. You plate it up and no risk of spoilage. Chilled nutrition at my disposal.

2) Variety of choices and toppings. Lettuce is all well and good, but the true merit of any salad bar is its wealth of sides and accompaniments. Choices, choices, choices. Are there ever enough choices in life?

3) And, the most important factor is the customization. No single person likes their salad the exact same way. A salad bar allows for unique personalization of your plate to suit your individual palette. You can get the portions, textures, flavors and colors just right. Me? I'm a 'equal balance of greens to toppings' kinda gal. I like to throw on some garbanzo beans and a little cheese . . . cottage cheese on the side. Mr. Oz, he likes a heap of blue cheese dressing on his mass of spinach leaves. We each get what we want to our specifications.

There is a metaphor for life hidden somewhere in this salad bar post but I'm too full of broccoli and croutons to think clearly and pull it out.

Happiness rating = 4.

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