Saturday, March 20, 2010


For some ungodly reason, I've had this jingle stuck in my brain for the last few weeks. I'm not sure how it came to be implanted or how I can release it. So, like any good friend, I am unleashing it on my many -- as of last count 2 -- blog readers.

In my search for more information to try and understand this insane commercial, I found this. Apparently these annoying creatures are known as spongmonkeys and, of course, originated in Great Britain. Those damn Brits! Why are they always filling our heads with nonsense like The Spice Girls and spongmonkeys?

Now I wonder if you would consider these spots "genius advertising" or not? I suppose one should look at the ROI Quiznos received as a result of airing the ads, but for sheer entertainment value, I'd probably rank it fairly high. Spongmonkeys . . . . you either love 'em or hate 'em, BUT will you buy your next lunch from an establishment that boasts levitating, shriveled rats as spokesvarmints? Errr, probably not.

Quiznos kinda sucks anyway. When is the last time anybody ate at a Quiznos? Seriously.

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