Sunday, March 21, 2010

My Lungs Are Filled With Cotton Candy

I have pneumonia. Pneumonia looks like this:

These are not my lungs. These are stand-in lungs. Prop lungs, if you will. But, I had a chest x-ray today and I can honestly say that my lungs do look very similar to above image. Apparently, one should not have cotton in one's lungs. I have this horrible image of bacteria growing like an infiltrating vine or kudzu in the fabric of my air sacs, hooking nasty tentacles and taking root. Very disturbing.

I had a nebulizer treatment at Urgent Care this morning and now I am on all sorts of medication. Prednisone, which is a steroid, is going to help open up my collapsed airways. Levaquin is a hard core antibiotic to kick the kudzu right outta my lungs. According to many online reports, this drug has been known to cause many negative side effects. Upon prescribing it, the doctor warned me that it has been reported to cause tendon rupture in some patients, primarily the achilles tendon. OUCH! I'm really not looking for that to happen so will probably call my original doctor to get a second opinion on that one.

So, for those of you who want to keep track at home, Winter has dealt yet another punishing blow. She has laid the smack down on me yet again. In short, Winter is pissed.

In doing my research, I ran across these words of wisdom on how to cure pneumonia naturally. It made me laugh but then I started coughing so I stopped laughing.

Intro: If you have a fever, sore throat, a chough, chest pains, chills, aching muscles, and enlarged lymph nodes then you probably have pneumonia. Follow these steps to cure pneumonia naturally.

Step 1: To cure pueumonia, you should rest and never leave the house. Have someone watch over you to help take care of you. Pneumonia is very serious; you should probably go to the hospital.

Step 2: When you first get sick, consume a lot of fruit juices and then start consuming vegetable juices after a few days. This can help cure pneumonia naturally and prevent you from getting worse.

Step 3: Consume some cayenne to help break up the congestion.

Step 4: To cure pneumonia naturally, drink a lot of water and tea. Flush out your system with these healthy fluids. Goldenseal tea is probably the best option available to help cure pneumonia naturally.

Step 5: Eat a lot of fruits and veggies along with some fruit juice. Vitamin C is very important in getting better.

Step 6: Rest. Stay in bed and do not do a thing. Working, doing chores, and exercising should all be put on hold until you are 100 percent better.

Step 7: To cure pneumonia naturally, avoid milk, flour products, and sugar until the pneumonia is gone. These items can help increase the thickness of your phlegm and slow down healing.

Step 8: Use a humidifier to help moisten the air where you spend the most time.

Step 9: To cure pneumonia naturally, avoid alcohol and smoking. If someone in your house smokes, ask them to smoke outside until you are better.

Step 10: Keep your feet warm. Soak them in a foot bath to help pull blood away from the chest.

Tips: To cure pneumonia naturally, you should eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of fluids, rest, keep your feet warm, and consume a lot of vitamin C.

Warnings: If your pneumonia gets worse, you should see a doctor immediately.

I like how the first step is to never leave the house and have someone watch over you and you should go to the hospital and then at the very bottom it reads you should see a doctor if it gets worse. Wouldn't going to the hospital require you to see a doctor? Also, wouldn't it require you to leave the house?

Oh and I didn't change the spelling. This is how I found it.

I need to go now and drink fruit juices, soak my feet and eat cayenne pepper a.s.a.p.


  1. I will make you some spicy chili to help get rid of the cotton candy =)
