Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The Re-Birth of Scribble Coincides with Spring.

Abysmal Scribble is in DA HOUSE! What is up bloggettes? For those of you who aren't familiar with my work, I am a blogger and thus, you are the bloggettes. And since my blog's very sad demise in the summer of 08, apparently Sweet Lis has been missing my SCHPICE (imagine I'm saying it like Matthew McConaughey says it in A Time to Kill- speaking of spice.....whew, hottie. I don't care if he does have unusually short arms - look it up, everyone is buzzing about it. Bygones.)

I am known as Abysmal Scribble, as Dee, as Sister, as the Destroyer of Worlds (wait a minute....that last one doesn't apply to me.....but it should...mu ha ha ha ha ha) and I am here to entertain with my antics and maybe, if I can summon it, my wit.

Is it a coincidence that my re-birth coincides with Spring? I think not. Spring IS new beginnings.

It has, indeed, sprung upon us, ladies and gents. You know what that means? The smell of grilled meats in the air. Ice cold bevies in your hand. Tulips popping up. Your next door neighbor will be out washin' his car, showing off his alabaster calves beneath his plaid shorts. Dogs will be freely sniffin' each other's butts at the dog park. After a long hibernation, cankles will be making an appearance. Birds, returning from the south, will shit on your car as they come home - but that doesn't matter, because it is Spring and you can get a car wash. Baseball is here! (Which means hot dogs and beer and for some, thicker cankles.) Bicycles and golf balls and outdoor seating and windows rolled down with the wind rushing through your hair....

Can you smell it? Sniff.....ahhhhhh. Spring is here. This is what the Black Eyed Peas must have been thinking about when they wrote "Imma Be" - Touche, will.i.am. "Imma Be livin' that good life. Imma be livin' that good, good life."

I'm planning on getting' out there and causing some trouble so that I have some spice to add to Sweet Lis' blog and thus, your life, Bloggettes.

You are welcome, in advance.


  1. Yay! Bout time you collaborated and contributed . . . I lika da schpise. Does McCaughnaugh hotty truly have short arms? That is so bizarre and random. I wonder if he masks it with special camera angles and lighting in his movies. hmmmmmm.

  2. Short arms, really? Have you ever seen Adam Sandler's weird ear?

  3. http://www.makemetaller.info/index.php?topic=2705.msg29671

  4. I TOLD you...short stubby arms. I still want to see if they would wrap all of the way around me....wink.

  5. yeah for Dee as a collaborator. :)
