Wednesday, March 25, 2009

A Couple New Restaurants

In case you were wondering, the end of the world is nigh. The High Plains are flooding with water levels currently set to engulf most of North Dakota and only half of Minnesota. These are scary times filled with sandbags and good intentions, but let's not forget the single most important consideration during these troubled times . . . people in a crisis gotta eat. With that in mind, let me tell ya about a some restaurants I recently had the opportunity to try out.

The first is The Corner Table in south Minneapolis. Mr. Oz implored some recent transplants from West Virginia to join us in our culinary excursion. A well regarded spot known for using only locally grown, seasonal produce, The Corner Table did a fine job tantalizing our taste buds. Chef Scott Pampuch espouses a strong belief in sustainable, organic food that comes straight from the harvest. His philosophy falls right in line with the slow food mantra of Alice Waters and her minions. While some may poo poo this as elitist, I have to tip my proverbial hat to anyone who supports local farmers and takes their time to get it right. Here are some photos. Apologies are in order as these pictures were taken with my IPhone in a low lit environment. IPhone has no flash so ya gotta take what you can get.

Some lovely scallops served as a first course. Swimming in a buttery sauce and dressed with an array of leeks and greens, the scallops were cooked to perfection:

Our dining companions had a tasty looking pork belly -- yes, those fine looking white and pink orbs are, indeed, radishes:

Mr. Oz thoroughly enjoyed this roasted bison:

When dining at The Corner Table my only caution would be the desserts. I wasn't a big fan.

Next restaurant is Smalley's Caribbean Barbeque & Pirate Bar in Stillwater, MN. Mr. Oz and I spent a beautiful Spring day hanging out with my parents in his hometown (aka crazy youth stomping grounds).

Brainchild of restauranters Tim McKee and Josh Thoma of La Belle Vie and Solera fame, Smalley's sits right on the touristy Main St in downtown Stillwater. The St. Croix River at its back, the place kinda exudes the same vibe as a Famous Dave's but trys to take the food up a notch. I'm not sure they always succeed. Mr. Oz had some ribs and deemed them flavorful but a bit chewy. He much prefers the 'fall off the bone' kinda rib experience. My pulled pork sandwich was above average in taste, but a bit dry. It might be that Smalley's takes the approach of a more dry rub Creole, Jamaican style bbq, while we are more accustomed to the saucy southern variety. At any rate, the highlights for me were the sweet potato fries sprinkled with copious amounts of fresh, diced garlic.

A nice little crock of ooey-gooey, warm mac & cheese was a welcome side dish. Is macaroni and cheese ever a bad thing? I dare you to argue this point.

And, you really can't beat the Blackberry Mojito. Very refreshing.

This place really boasts a great selection of tequila and rum, so drink up. It was chilly so the front patio was not open. This looks like it could be a cool spot in the summer.

That's all I got. Do you have any restaurant recommendations to share? I'd love to hear 'em.

1 comment:

  1. I have a restaurant - Casa de Barracuda. The salsa is to die for. I hear tell that the owner just bought new hand painted Mexican bowls from which to serve it. They make their own homemade sausage and serve it with a side fresh greens (bean, beet and spinach salad galore) grown from the garden behind the restaurant. However, this place is really only seasonal if you want the best grub.
