Sunday, March 22, 2009

Are You A Narcissist?

Take the Narcissistic Personality Inventory:

C'mon. It was co-developed by Dr. Drew of Celebrity Rehab fame. You know you want to.

I will award extra special bonus points to those of you who post your score here. Apparently the average score for the general population is 15.3. My score was 12. I'm not sure I want to be below average as it may be a sign of narcissism deficiency (kinda like Vitamin B12 so you have to take supplements or your gums bleed, right?). Eeeks. Does a 12 mean I have low self-worth, that I'm more likely than your average person to get swindled or abused? They claim celebs have slightly higher scores than the general population. I wonder if there is a correlation between your narcissism inventory and your profession? Now that would be interesting.

And, on a completely random and unrelated note -- Mr. Oz miraculously found his missing wedding band! Harken back to early December and my tirade regarding the suddenly absent ring. After many months of wintery snow, Spring seems to have sprung and brought back the lost object. YEAH!!

Incredibly, Mr. Oz was just walking into his work and, BAM, there it was near the parking lot. He spotted it. Apparently it is in excellent condition to boot. What a magnificent thrill and amazing happening. Maybe this was supposed to happen on St. Patrick's Day, but wasn't timed out quite right? I'm just saying the ring is gold and Mr. Oz found it a few mere days after St. Patty's Day so perhaps those crafty Leprachans stole his ring way back when and tried to hide it. I wonder, dear readers, if you believe in miracles? And, if so, does this count? Do you think it is a sign? My sister believes this event signals that many trials and challenges await Mr. Oz and I, but we are destined to overcome each one and live together in harmony. What do you think??

Happy Spring everyone!!


  1. I was a 9...a 9! Either I'm having a particularly bad day or I'm "just not into me."

  2. You have to tell Kerry about finding the ring!!!
