Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wickedness Pays Off

For many, last night may have just been an ordinary, run-o-the-mill Tuesday night. Ho hum. Watch a little House or Biggest Loser on the old tele, eat your pot pie, pop a Xanax and hit the hay. I get it. And, usually on any given Tuesday night, I'm right there with you. Well, all except for the Xanax as I prefer a double shot of Jack Daniels before bed. But, last night was different. Last night I hit the bright lights of Minneapolis for some wining, dining and Broadway musical action all courtesy of my dear friend Laura [insert applause and good vibes for Laura!].

Now, I must pause this happy tale with a wee bit of something I like to call, tough love. You see, Laura has a deep, dark secret and this evening of fun has a very direct link to this secret. Laura is addicted to Craig's List ladies and gentleman of the jury. I know. I know. It seems like it is all harmless purchases and online shopping frivolity. It's all games until someone loses an eye (did you know you could sell your eyes on Craigs List?) One night in the midst of, what I can only imagine to be, a drug-induced purchasing binge, Laura scored some discount tickets to see Wicked! Yee Haaa. And then, miracle of all miracles, she asked me to join her. Double Yee Haaaa. Now, I'm not here to judge (although I will if you ask me to). I'm just throwing out this cautionary word to all of you out there who might be struggling with your own online bartering issues. You know who you are! Don't stop cold turkey. You might slip into a coma if you cut yourself off too quickly. No. Instead, shop away. But, remember to call me and share your wares, tickets, furs, trips and other accessories you might happen to buy. It will make you feel less guilty whilst promoting positive relationships :) Tee Hee.

All jokes aside. Laura is AWESOME for inviting me. We had dinner at The Melting Pot before hitting the show. I had never been before and it was pretty tasty. If you get off on participating in your own 'table side' cooking what with dipping sticks of raw meat and veg into a boiling bucket of broth, well . . . this place is for you. I highly recommend the Ying & Yang chocolate fondue. It is a delightful swirl of white and dark chocolate accompanied by glorius berries, bananas, cake, brownie, etc. YUM!

Then we were off to the show. I won't get into the plot too much. I don't want to ruin it. But, I will say that the story picks up on the Wizard of Oz and paints it from the vantage point of the Wicked Witch. The songs, set, characters were great. A spectacle for the eyes and ears I say. Check it out if you can. I still have a few of the songs stuck in my head "Popular" and "Defying Gravity" to mention two of my favorites.

So, what have we learned from this blog posting? What lessons should you take away? 1) Jack Daniels is a great night cap and allows you to effortlessly slip into a deep slumber no matter what stresses you. 2) Craigs List can be destructive, but you are fine as along as you include me on any fun purchases. 3) It's good to be Wicked!

Finally, a big SHOUT OUT to Laura on her birthday. She's 36 years young and still rockin it like it was 1999! Happy Turkey Day everyone.

1 comment:

  1. Cheers to Laura and mid -week adventures courtesy of Craig. Also, WICKED is a GREAT show! The Melting Pot is also delicious. I love the herb dip stuff. hmmmm Agree about Jack as well. He is good but bad! Ask e about Nik and Jack.
