Friday, November 21, 2008

Brushes With Tranquility And Book Ramblings

Been awhile, but I'm back. Back and on the attack . . . well, actually I'm not feeling much like attacking. I'm happy. It's Friday and holy, T.G.I.F. Batman! The week has been pretty intense with some major work deadlines and activities. Early mornings punctuated by some late nights have left me drained and eager for some R&R. Whew.

I feel like rambling a little bit as my thoughts are bouncing around in my head. So, I'll start with a little home decorating news. Last weekend, Mr. Oz and I embarked on some updates to the townhome. Casa del Oz is receiving a small face lift. We aren't talking a major reconstruction, but more like a couple o' shots of Botox. The burnt orange walls of the master bedroom have been replaced with a soft, cafe a lait shade. It's very soothing and tranquil. We moved some of our furniture into the guest bedroom, sold our old queen bed on Craigslist and are now awaiting the arrival of our new bedroom set which includes . . . . drum roll please . . . a king bed. Whoot! It will be glorious and should definitely cure me of the doldrums incurred from our rough real estate market and nose diving economy. If you can't get to a new house, make the new house come to you, I say. I'll be sure to post the complete 'after picture' of the bedroom, but for now, here is the before:

And here is the sort of after shot:

Whatta ya think? Remember, this just represents the new walls. It will look much better once we get the furniture, new bedding and other accessories in there. Eat your heart out Nate Berkus! I found painting to be rather therapeutic. Smoothing on a new coat of color, the squishy and mechanical sound of the roller brush, trimming the edges to a fine point -- there is both a mindless yet intensely focused quality in painting that appeals to me. Plus, there is that whole transformational aspect; out with the old and in with the new. Don't get me wrong. After working that roller for two days, my arms were sore and my back was hurtin, but it was the good kinda sore and the rewarding kinda hurt. I'm not offering up my services or anything so don't get any funny ideas.

Hmmm . . . what else?

I got a few new books this week. I love Addiction is more like it. Among my treasures is this cool flashcard type set called "The Observation Deck -- A Tool Kit For Writers" by Naomi Epel.

It's supposed to help break writer's block and inspire a free flow of literary content. The idea is you pull out one of the flashcards. Each one has a phrase, an activity if you will, to shake things up. I just pulled a card and it says "Feed Your Senses." In the companion book the author notes how a writer should take a break and experience a moment through the senses. Go to a concert or museum. Hit a fabric store and feel the textiles. Go to a bakery. Epel writes "Visit a place of natural beauty and enjoy a sense of peace and wonder. Go where you can see, hear, smell, feel, or taste something that has been made with care, joy or deliberation." This is just one of many cards. I like it. Although I don't fancy myself a novelist or poet, I see the application for me in my everyday strive to communicate. We all get stuck in a rut. Next time I do, I'm going to grab this handy deck and see what adventure comes my way.

The other book I bought is called "Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together" by William Isaacs.

The premise is really rather simple as it focuses on the art of listening and engaging in productive communication with those around us. I haven't really cracked into this one yet, but I am looking forward to it. I figure we could all use a little help in the listening department, right? One of the things that someone recently told me is that, as humans, often do not tune out of conversations as much as we choose to tune in. If you really think about this factoid, it is fascinating. I feel like I expend a lot of energy just trying to block out the periphery noise and chaos of the world when really the bulk of my effort is concentrated on paying attention to that which is most important to me (versus blocking all the rest). It's a miracle that anything gets through my auto filter. I wonder how this explains the phenomenon of hearing an annoying song on the radio and then not being able to get it out of your head? You would think my brain would not choose to tune that in. Damn brain and its mad desire to keep the chorus of "I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred ringing in my ears. AAhhhhhh!!

1 comment:

  1. I heart the after shot. I think that color will be the perfecto amount of change. Way to get all crafty on your casa de Oz.
