Sunday, August 24, 2008


After a particularly rough week I took advantage of half work day Friday and high tailed it home to start my weekend early. Once home, I couldn't resist the siren call of my bed. The soft, yet firm mattress. The blanket. The comfy, cool sheets. Damn you bed. My will was weak. I jumped in and proceeded to take a 2.5 hour nap. That's right. Middle of the day. Straight up. Half open mouth, drool on the pillow. Hard core nappin y'all. It was so delicious. Sweet nap nectar. As I roused myself from my afternoon slumber, I realized a few things. One, is I'm getting SUPER old. Once upon a time, a summer half day meant early happy hour. Let's get the party started and keep it rolling until Monday morning. Not anymore. Now, I'm like a few short years away from hitting Denny's for the 4pm early bird dinner specials. I was starting to feel really bad about this when I decided that everything old is new again. This is where I stuck upon my second realization of the day. Here it is . . . I'm bringing back the nap and it isn't just for the senior citizens anymore. Retro napping people. Brilliant!

Harken back (yes, I used the word "harken!") to days of yore. Consider your childhood when you were forced to to take naps in the middle of the day? When did this ritual stop? Who decided we should no longer take naps? I'm going to start a movement to bring back the nap. The adult nap. It's on. I say no more falling in line with these arbitrary social conventions and dropping the nap time just because we have jobs and go to school and carry on the day-to-day business of running the world. We shouldn't pander to the powers that be and quit our beloved naptime. Who's with me? Who's in? You in?

I think I need to start a group on Facebook, petition Obama's campaign to add this as a plank in the Democratic platform. Maybe I'll make a sign and head down to the Republican convention and protest the anti-nap coalition. You know the anti-nappers are Republican, don't you? They have to be. Oh, but you have to know that McCain is a secret napper. He's like 80 years old. Oh, you know he's napping.


  1. You MUST protest the anti-nappers at the Convention! If you don't, Lis, who KNOWS WHAT COULD HAPPEN!!!

  2. Oh Dude, I am SO a pro napper. I sometimes nap with my eyes open, I am sure. Bring back the nap! BRING BACK THE NAP! How jealous am I that you got a 2.5 hour nap on a Friday? JEALOUS.

  3. I love the idea of closeted nappers. So deviant...
