Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Anderson Cooper Loves Reality TV Too!! Who Knew?

Now I'm not one to watch Regis & Kelly, I but I do loves me some Anderson Cooper. Uber gracias shout out to poodle for shooting this link over to me. How cute is he?

Here I was thinking that Anderson is all serious with his Hurricane Katrina coverage and Iraq exposes, but no . . . he watches trashy reality tv just like we do. Love him. And, not only does he watch these sketchy yet oh-so-delicious shows, he has opinions about them . . . opinions, might I add, that very much resemble my own. The Leather lady on Project Runway is hilarious and I don't care AT ALL for Living Lohan but I do enjoy the Denise Richards complication stuff. Oh yes, I do.

Keep up the good work Anderson. Bravo my silver haired newsman. Bravo.

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