Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Great MN Get-Together

Tonight Mr. Oz and I participated in a much beloved annual ritual known as the Minnesota State Fair. For two weeks in late August, thousands flock to the fairgrounds in St. Paul to check out a bust of the dairy princess carved in butter (this is not a lie), baby animals at the petting zoo, pickles the size of your head and all manner of people gazing. Like many others, we went to partake in the phenomenon of food on sticks. If its a food and it can be stuck, you'll find it at the fair. Dude, we did some damage and I have the belly ache to prove it. Here's a quick run down of our fair going agenda: 7:01pm -- arrive at the side gate, pay our $10.50 per and skitter inside. The startling scent of farm animal, grilled meats and greasy mini-donuts hangs in the smoky and dusty air. 7:23pm -- we spy our first stop. The granddaddy of all fair food stands. It's the foot long corn dog people and NOT the Pronto Pup stand. I must put my foot down on this. Corn dog = delicious. Pronto Pup = a foul imitation meant to lure us into a false sense of fair complacency. Don't be a victim.

Two please and slather them with ketchup and mustard. Yummy.

7:40pm -- oh man, we see something new. Never tried this one before but have heard good things about the bacon on a stick. At Fat Bacon they serve up a huge slab of thick cut fried bacon that is dipped in maple syrup. Mr. Oz loved it. I gave it a BIG thumbs down. flabby bacon just doesn't do it for me. Next time, crisp it up my friends.
7:48pm -- trying to get the taste of that nasty bacon out of my mouth, we promptly proceed to the cheese curd stand and order up a heaping heap of melty, salty, greasy, battered, gooey cheese parts. Hells yeah!

7:55pm -- Oh god. I think I feel sick. Couldn't finish the cheese curds as they started to cool and congeal into a rubbery mess. 8:04pm -- I'm THIRSTY! Ahhhh. Sign me up for some cold, frosty root beer!

8:15pm -- What's that over there? Do I see roasted corn on the cob? Why yes. Yes, I do. Buttery goodness.

8:16pm -- hanging out next to the Grandstand taking in the musical stylings of, well, some guy with a guitar. Don't know who it is. Who cares. We are only here for the stick food.

8:17pm -- Teriyaki Ostrich on a stick. Uhmmmm. Pass.

8:23pm -- Swinging back through. Gotta get a bucket of Sweet Martha's fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. They pile 'em high forcing you to eat several just so you can get the lid on it. So good it will make you cry. Or is that the first pains of stomach cramps.
8:35pm -- We are SO outta here. Waddle back to the car and moan. Another year at the State Fair and it was accomplished in record time.

We made it home just in time to watch Barack Obama accept the Democratic party's nomination for president. While some may disagree with me, I think this guy is going places.

I feel sick.


  1. OOOh those cookies and the cheese curds. My mouth waters! I, too, prefer the corndog to the sad, sad imitation of the Pronto Pup. Blech.

    Did you pick up some Tums on the way home?

  2. Um, I got a belly ache just reading this. But then again....mmmmmm....cheese.
