Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Blog Discovery

Some might resist this blog based simply upon it's name -- Stuff White People Like.


Initially, I had the same reaction. This is not a politically correct name for a blog. Why would anyone use such a non-PC title? Who writes this? What is their purpose? Is it to subvert all of the great inclusion work we, as a society, have undertaken thus far? Is it to further divide this great nation of ours by pointing out our differences from those of other cultures, creeds and races? Hmmmm. I wondered this too. Then I linked to the site and took a read for myself. People, this blog is HILARIOUS. It is definitely worth the time to check it out. Go back and peruse the archives of this little gem. You will soon find out that white people really like things like expensive sandwiches, t-shirts and Starbucks. No big surprise for sure. The witty commentary IS surprisingly enjoyable. I hesitate to admit that I like many of the things listed by this blog's author.

Yes, it is true. I am a white person.

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Bachelor-ette Party!

Drinking divine cocktails at a swankified bar made entirely of ice, now that is MY BEST!

So, this weekend I was fortunate enough to have a gaggle of my wonderful friends join me in celebrating my soon-to-be nuptials by taking me out for one last proverbial hoorah otherwise known as a bachelorette party. I've heard these types of things referred to by other names -- stagette party, hen party . . . I'm not really sure what the correct term is, but I do know that mine was a whole martini shaker full of fun. I have the BEST sister. Really, I do. She organized the whole darn thing from top to bottom and it was a blast.

Now, back to this bar made from ice. Seriously. It is. If you are ever in downtown Minneapolis in the middle of a frigid Minnesota winter you really must check this place out. It is at the Chambers hotel. Here are some pictures to show you first, how terrific this place looks and, second, how incredibly drunk I was. YIKES. Good thing very few people read this blog. This could make for some incriminating evidence.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Very LATE Oscar's Commentary

I know I promised a post-Oscar wrap-up, but yeah, obviously that didn't happen. Now, a full week later, the whole event has dimmed somewhat in my memory. Here is what I can recall. You can blame my post-bachelorette party haze for the lack of details.

Overall, I don't think there were as many highs and, conversely, as many lows as past Academy Awards. Jon Stewart was his usual charming self. I was struck by the number of similarly designed dresses. Weren't there a lot of strapless, structured, mermaid-ish style looks? I guessed correctly on a lot of the categories -- Coen brothers for best director, No Country For Old Men as best picture, Javier Bardem as Best Supporting Actor (loved his speech!), Daniel Day-Lewis as Best Actor, Marion Cotillard as Best Actress (still need to see that movie) . . . What I didn't see coming was all those sound and sound effect awards bestowed upon the Bourne Ultimatum. Who knew those fight scenes and chase scenes were so Oscar worthy? The other surprise for me was Tilda Swinton's win for Best Supporting Actress. I really didn't get that one at all. I was hoping Amy Ryan would win for Gone Baby Gone.

OK, let's talk about Juno. Love Ellen Page. Love the movie. Love the writing. Diablo Cody's dialogue was brilliant. LOVE the fact that she won for best screenplay. HATED her dress! I'm not all that fond of animal print gowns to begin with, but I think it was the way it was split up the middle and bordered dangerously close to whipping open and exposing, what I can only imagine to be, her matching leopard g-string underneath. She was obviously trying to keep it closed as she walked up to receive her award. Not cool. I felt bad for her. My assumption is that, unlike almost all the other big stars of the night, Diablo doesn't have the luxury (yet) of having her own personal stylist. She should get one as soon as the big money starts rolling in. Really she should.