Saturday, July 31, 2010


These shoes are hot!

I really don't know where and, for what occasion, I will wear them. Does it matter? Nah. I am of the belief that shoes are art for the feet. Sometimes it is enough to just try them on and admire them. Occasionally, you have to buy 'em and adore them. These beauties will rest comfortably in my closet. When I have a bad day, I will pull them out and wear them around the house. Their animal print, sassy red leather, stacked heel and all-around sexiness will make me feel better.

Where does this come from? Is it a by-product of playing dress-up with my Barbie as a child? Are we hard wired to love shoes from the moment of conception? Hmmmm.

Sick, right?


  1. Which author contributed this post?

  2. I love, love, looooooove these shoes! Too bad my feets are way too big or I would steal them from you.
