Sunday, July 25, 2010

High Tech + High Touch

Remember this post back in April?

Yeah, well I totally caved and bought myself an iPad. After months of witnessing all the cool functionality and convenient access, I just couldn't hold out any longer. Less than a week into the experience and I have been struck by:

  • The helpful calendar settings. I can view an easy-to-read overview of my workday schedule on one side of the screen and get all the relevant details of where, who, when and why on the other side. It shows me who accepted meetings I have called and who declined. I also like the weekly and monthly views.

  • Excellent visual clarity and richness. Colors are vibrant. Photos look amazing.

  • Reading my Kindle books has never been better. With the Kindle app, I can view any of my downloaded books and the device syncs up so if I jump on my Kindle at a later date, it automatically knows where I've stopped. It's also very easy to highlight sections or take notes. Just simple drag and you are done.

  • The go-anywhere, do anything benefits can't be beat. Mr. Oz and I were out visiting friends this weekend and used some downtime to check airfare and plan a weekend getaway for this Fall. A few clicks and I was able to book our airfare and reserve a rental car. I felt super productive.
I'm sure I'll discover more fun features in the days and weeks to come. My one complaint would be the rude treatment I received at the first Apple Store I visited when I decided to purchase the device. No one would help me and, even when I asked someone for assistance, I was brushed off. Luckily, the next store I went to was much better. Just because Apple products are in such high demand, it doesn't mean good customer service should go by the wayside. High tech deserves high touch and being nice to people will never be obselete. Apple would be wise to remember that small fact.


  1. What makes your overall experience any better than the iPhone? I'm having trouble seeing the need when I have an iPhone and Macbook pro.

  2. Well, you can't really read books or magazines on the small screen of the iPhone and it isn't always super convenient to carry around a laptop. It's just easier to access web content on the iPad. It has a long battery life too so you can use it all day and still have lots of battery life left. Sadly, I can't say the same for my iPhone or my Macbook.

  3. It was only a matter of time... have fun with it!!
