Sunday, April 5, 2009

Forcing Spring To Show Itself

You wouldn't know it was Spring by looking outside my window this morning. There was snow on the ground. Yes, snow . . . snow in April. Oh, it's been known to happen around these parts. So sad. I decided that if Spring wasn't going to come to MN, then I would just find Spring and bring it to me, by force if necessary. First things first, a little Spring cleaning. Sweeping, dusting, scrubbing. While to the untrained eye my cleaning tactics may have resembled a usual set of household chores, it was, indeed, Spring cleaning. Why? Because I labeled it as Spring Cleaning and once you slap a label on something it just IS. Harumph.

Next, I hauled myself over to the local market and picked up some sunny, bright, colorful and Spring-tastic tulips.

For me, tulips are a tried and true sign of Spring. Once you see their lovely green shoots poking through the still semi-frozen ground, you know Spring has sprung.

Now the next activity may not sit right with everyone out there. But, I feel full disclosure is in order. It is MY truth dammit and let the chips fall where they may, I say. So desperate for warmth and sunlight, I took my pasty and pallid self to Catch-A-Tan and nabbed a little artificial sunshine. Ok, Ok, before you start sending me comments about the health risks of UV rays, just know that I don't hit the tanning beds on a regular basis AND I only exposed myself to a mere 6 minutes of the evil death rays. These 6 minutes were glorious and hot. And, while I lay baking under the artificial light I let my mind drift to images and hopes of a real Spring . . . the kind that doesn't involve grocery store tulips and fake sun. Sigh.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you can officially say that Spring has sprung because my tulips ARE, indeed, poking out of the ground. Take that WINTER.
