Saturday, January 10, 2009

Bob Harper Fan

Some days, I just love my job! I experienced such a day last week when Bob Harper visited the Mills. For those of you who are not familiar, Bob is the adorable trainer from NBC's "The Biggest Loser." I'm not talking about Jillian. Nope. She's the hard core, drill sergeant, meanie trainer. Bob is the kind, in touch with his spiritual side, motivatingly sweet trainer. Plus, he's a super duper hottie.

The Mills is a sponsor of this season's Pound for Pound Challenge and Bob arrived to promote the program and the promotion, offer up a little motivating commentary and spread a little cute trainer sunshine.

[Quick aside: Pound for Pound Challenge is a contest where viewers go online and pledge to lose a certain amount of weight. At the end of the season, the actual weight loss is recorded. For every pound lost, the Mills will help donate a pound of food to nationwide food banks. Pretty cool, eh?]

I love me some Bob. He was very uplifting, seems completely genuine in his desire to help people improve their lives and, did I mention, ADORABLE! Moved to action, I hopped online and pledged some pounds. The new year is upon me and, much like Obama, I have declared 2009 the year of hope and change. Oprah's got her 'Best Life Week,' Weight Watchers has their Momentum Plan, the airwaves are filled to the brim with health food and fitness advertising. My gym is overcrowded. So many have pounced on the resolution bandwagon.

As much as I would like to pour my usual cynicism all over this post, I cannot. I'm right there with it. I signed up, got the heart rate monitor for Christmas, started tracking my food points, TIVO'ed the week of Oprah shows so Dr. Oz, Bob Greene, and Suzi Orman could tell me how to get healthy, drop the fat and save my money. I threw out my Reese's Peanut Butter cups, bought a huge bag of lettuce, a pound of blackberries and Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches (2 point yumminess)! I met with my trainer on Thursday and she made me hurt with a brand new program. BTW, I hate the following exercises: V sit ups, Russian Twists, and Arnold Presses

Ladies and gents, it's ON!

P.S. Bob, if you are out there and you are reading this, rock on with your rock hard abs and keep up the inspiration.


  1. Yes! I totally need to get back on the wagon. Let's do it! :D

  2. Lis, I love that you are all about hope. I, too, and seriously trying to make some change. I so badly want this year to be different, in many ways.

    GO, YOU! (Go US, really!)

  3. sweets, I love you and your inspirational post. And Bob? He is awesome. I'd hop on that wagon, if you know what I'm talking about and I think you do.
