Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Taste Of Summer

It has been a long winter in Minnesota. Cold, snow, ice, frigid temperatures dot the landscape of Minnesotans not so distant memories whilst dreams of blooming flowers, warm lakes and bright sunshine dance in our heads. Well, I haven't seen a snowflake for, uhm, like at least 5 days now. I think one more day and it might actually qualify as Spring. I'm not going to hold my breath but I am feeling ever so slightly optimistic. My giddy anticipations brings to mind many pleasant thoughts. When I think of Summer my mind turns to patio decks and cold beer. Some of my favorites, particularly as the weather turns more temperate, would fall under the wheat beer category. Hints of citrus and clove dance on the tongue as the faint traces of coriander intermingle with the yeasty undertones of the liquid ambrosia.

Ahhhh, wheat beer.

Give me a frosty glass and garnish it with an orange. Sample a few this Summer. Blue Moon, Bell's Oberon and Paulaner Hefeweizen just to name a few. Enjoy the season and quench your thirst.


  1. Ironically, the day that you wrote this, it snowed at my house. This spring sucks.

  2. Of course you know that Paulaner Hefeweizen is my all-time favorite beer, right?

    I think I had it for the first time one year that we were out at Maynards for the 4th of July or something.

    Blue Moon = close second.

    Well played. Well played, indeed.

  3. Did you know beer is suppose to increase milk production?
