Saturday, September 18, 2010


Feeling very random lately. Random and boring, I suppose.

I probably have stuff to write about, but all of it feels so inferior. So, instead, I will just ramble with a litany of unrelated thoughts and random observations.

The television show Mad Men is so well done. The writing, art direction and acting is superb. The creators of that show have absolutely nailed the 1960's in a way that few, if any, previous shows have been able to do. I love the many layers and the understated and subtle approach to character development. Nobody is exactly who they seem, yet everyone is perfectly who they are. I am in love with this show. Arguably the best thing on television right now.

For me, Fall is the season for change and big decisions. Many people claim Spring is the time for renewal and new beginnings. I think it is really Fall. I reflect on this time of year, I recall the giddy anticipation of going back to school, Fall sports, smell of burning leaves, apple cider and Halloween. It is also the season when I have purchased a house, quit one job and started another, moved in with my now-husband. Life changing stuff happens in the Fall. Wonder what my next big move or decision will be? Think it is time for a change. I'm due.

Been traveling for work recently and just got back from a week long stint. Stayed in some places that I really enjoy. Philadelphia is interesting. Society Hill area of town, with all the cobblestone road, Greek columned, stone buildings, is just dripping with magnificent history. Finally saw the Liberty Bell. It rests in a glass building and no longer resides at the top of Independence Hall. Seems kinda sad, just hanging there by itself and all out of context from its historical beginnings and lore.

Also was able to spend some time in Austin, TX. I had never been here before. Now, prior to my trip to Austin, my impression of the state of Texas, was not very positive. I had only ever been to Dallas and Houston, both of which are -- in my humble opinion -- less than spectacular. Now, Austin is something else entirely. First, it was quite lush and green. The vibe was laid back. Bohemian art culture meets college town meets professional & upscale meets cool music scene. I feel in love! Austin completely reversed my dislike of Texas. I think I could actually live in that town.

Work has been incredibly intense the past month or so. Causing stress and anxiety. Spurring reassessment and evaluation. With nothing at all concrete in mind, I'm thinking a lot about the true meaning of happiness and whether or not it is possible to live a totally happy life. Happiness is not overrated and life's too short.

Tomorrow Mr. Oz and I are starting a week long cleanse and diet regimen. Lots of pure protein this week and then mix of protein and vegetables. Sounds awesome, right? Bet you wish you could do it too. I'll try to become a regular visitor of my own blog.

I'm literally falling asleep as I type. Eyes droopy. Nod, Nod, Nod. Done.

More random thoughts later. G' night.


  1. Agree whole-heartedly with change happens in the Fall. Maybe we are in the same change cycle. :) Spring is just anticipation for the summer for me and the realization that I don't fit into my short anymore.

    Life is too short to not be happy. I agree. Work is only part of life and it should remain a PART. It is necessary but it does take up a lot of hours in the day so do what you love or make what you do lovely. :)

    Interested in the cleansing; however, eating too much protein will surely lead to you cleansing your colon which equals GAS so warn your colleagues. lol.

  2. I agree. Fall seems to be full of new beginnings. Chances to start over, wipe the slate clean. I, too, would like to do that. Just not always sure about how to begin such things.

    Glad that you are back to blogging! May it be as regular as your colon surely will be after your cleanse. Lol.

  3. September 18th. 9/18/2010...last year...almost 4 months ago was the last time you blogged. BOOOOOO! Seriously, posts don't have to be amazing creations worthy of Shakespeare discourse. Get back on the horse. Write. It does a bod (and mind) good.
