Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Besties of Last Week" Award -- 6.13.10 Edition

Introducing a brand stinkin new feature, blogettes: my "Besties of the Week" award! This award goes out to the someones or somethings that, by their mere presence and introduction into my life, have come to my rescue, made me smile, delighted my soul or otherwise brought me resplendent joy at some point during the week. It is very simple. No further criteria has been, or will be, put in place for this award. It remains purely subjective and will be handed out at my discretion. No bribes will be accepted, but occasionally I may give special consideration to nominations (and those who are extra special nice to me, you dig?! :)

The "Besties of Last Week" go to (insert drum roll here):

1) Ozy the Wonder Pup
For his naughty antics and oh so cutey cuteness. Yesterday he was particularly adorable. Here he fell between the couch cushions while napping, but he is too tired to care. Love him!

2) The double-play -- Sudafed Severe Cold Formula & Advil PM

When sickness hit me hard last week, these bad boys come through and helped to relieve my sinus pressure, congestion and helped me sleep. I believe I've found the perfect medication cocktail and, thankfully, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Summer colds be GONE! There is no room in the inn for you. BTW, I prefer the non-ephedra variety as I don't like the jittery feeling that often accompanies said product.

3) Season 3 of the Fox TV hit thriller, 24, starring the one and only Kiefer Sutherland

This may appear old and dated. I realize Season 3 of 24 originally aired back in, oh say, 2003-04. Ok. But, I've been watching the back catalog of episodes and am completely loving it! Jack Bauer is brilliant. He's tough on crime, defies bureaucracy, believes in outcome over process, remains loyal to those who go the extra mile for him, takes matters into his own hands and KICKS BUTT. The dude doesn't eat or sleep. In a 24 hour period he can survive plane crashes, track and kill terrorists, isolate a killer virus, kick a heroin addiction and prop up the bloated federal government in all its glorious inefficiencies. Man. Now that I think about it, the only difference between Jack Bauer and me at work is he packs heat and I do not. Just kidding.

I do pack heat.


It seems ironic that Fox television, well known to be a hot bed of right wing nut jobbery, produced and aired this show. There are so many corrupt government officials to be exposed and clearly the whole intricate web of agencies and support personnel are inept, Bauer standing out as the one exception. But, in the end, Jack always saves the day. He's a one man Patriot Act. I'm already onto Season 4! Yay!

So, there you have it. My list of Last Week's Besties. Who knows what, or who, will make the cut next week. Hmmmmmm . . . Nominations anyone?

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