Monday, June 28, 2010

"Besties of Last Week" Award -- 6.21.10 Edition

Back with more Besties y'all. Did you miss me?

Past week's winners are . . .

Brazilian Blowout

A few weeks ago, I asked you, my dear blog readers, to weigh in on the hair question hanging over my head. Should I try this new, hair smoothing process and join the ranks of the frizzy and fly-away discontented? Do I drop the considerable cash outlay in the hope of experiencing a straighter and sleeker do? Well, my friends, I did it. I made that appointment and last week it happened. After 90 minutes and some close encounters with a 450 degree flat iron, my dream was completed. It looks pretty good too! I've washed my hair a few times already and still it remains smooth and silky. It is supposed to last for 3 months so I will report back with the longer-term results. We'll see . . . here is the before and after.

Before [super wavy, sometimes out-of-control, frizzy in humidity and generally unkempt]:


Oh, Canada

Over the weekend, Mr. Oz and I had the distinct pleasure to spend several days with my family at a cabin on Lake of the Woods in Ontario, Canada. Beautiful weather. Amazingly tranquil location far, far away from the hustle and bustle of the world. We did not have cell coverage or internet service, no t.v. and few distractions other than fishing, sunning, playing games and enjoying some fine adult beverages. It was great to forcefully unplug. Of course, there were a lot of laughs all around as well as some tasty food including a fish fry consisting of fish caught by my family the previous day! The abundance of wildlife is also quite incredible. We saw a bald eagle and the elusive Whistle Pig. That's right. Whistle Pig. Look it up. It's a real animal.

My sister and her husband were excellent hosts. They rolled out the red carpet treatment for us despite all of the work it must have taken to prepare and clean up afterward. Thanks Scribble and Mr. Scribble! Thank you Canada and your crazy socialist medicine, maple leaves and strange obsession with the Queen. It was awesome, eh.

Jon Stewart & The Daily Show Rips on the Government

This speaks for itself. So hilarious and yet so provokingly truthful. Someone recently told me that in a nationwide poll, Jon Stewart was named the most trusted person in the media. I tend to agree with this, but also am filled with sadness that a satirist and comedian is who we have to go to for an accurate reporting of our news. Is it wrong to believe that our leaders should stand on their principles and move forward with the things they promised? Or, do we relegate this to the stuff of pure naivety and misguided hope? When do we stop allowing ourselves to be pandered to and duped and, instead, insist on follow through and "change we can believe in?" While many things in this world are nuanced shades of gray, integrity is not one of them. Either you have it or you don't. I, for one, am still hopeful that these promises will be kept. I believe in you, Mr. President. Do you believe in us?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"Besties of Last Week" Award -- 6.13.10 Edition

Introducing a brand stinkin new feature, blogettes: my "Besties of the Week" award! This award goes out to the someones or somethings that, by their mere presence and introduction into my life, have come to my rescue, made me smile, delighted my soul or otherwise brought me resplendent joy at some point during the week. It is very simple. No further criteria has been, or will be, put in place for this award. It remains purely subjective and will be handed out at my discretion. No bribes will be accepted, but occasionally I may give special consideration to nominations (and those who are extra special nice to me, you dig?! :)

The "Besties of Last Week" go to (insert drum roll here):

1) Ozy the Wonder Pup
For his naughty antics and oh so cutey cuteness. Yesterday he was particularly adorable. Here he fell between the couch cushions while napping, but he is too tired to care. Love him!

2) The double-play -- Sudafed Severe Cold Formula & Advil PM

When sickness hit me hard last week, these bad boys come through and helped to relieve my sinus pressure, congestion and helped me sleep. I believe I've found the perfect medication cocktail and, thankfully, I'm starting to feel like myself again. Summer colds be GONE! There is no room in the inn for you. BTW, I prefer the non-ephedra variety as I don't like the jittery feeling that often accompanies said product.

3) Season 3 of the Fox TV hit thriller, 24, starring the one and only Kiefer Sutherland

This may appear old and dated. I realize Season 3 of 24 originally aired back in, oh say, 2003-04. Ok. But, I've been watching the back catalog of episodes and am completely loving it! Jack Bauer is brilliant. He's tough on crime, defies bureaucracy, believes in outcome over process, remains loyal to those who go the extra mile for him, takes matters into his own hands and KICKS BUTT. The dude doesn't eat or sleep. In a 24 hour period he can survive plane crashes, track and kill terrorists, isolate a killer virus, kick a heroin addiction and prop up the bloated federal government in all its glorious inefficiencies. Man. Now that I think about it, the only difference between Jack Bauer and me at work is he packs heat and I do not. Just kidding.

I do pack heat.


It seems ironic that Fox television, well known to be a hot bed of right wing nut jobbery, produced and aired this show. There are so many corrupt government officials to be exposed and clearly the whole intricate web of agencies and support personnel are inept, Bauer standing out as the one exception. But, in the end, Jack always saves the day. He's a one man Patriot Act. I'm already onto Season 4! Yay!

So, there you have it. My list of Last Week's Besties. Who knows what, or who, will make the cut next week. Hmmmmmm . . . Nominations anyone?

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Goats And Friendship

Spent some time visiting with an old friend this weekend. She and I went to high school together and, over the years, had been in contact intermittently. Back in the day, we were the best of pals and spent many a summer's day riding our bikes with banana seats around the quiet streets of our small North Dakota home town (*population 955 counting cats and dogs), swimming in the local pool and just being kids. I would venture to say, she ranks as the friend I've known the longest. Funny, how that goes. You share your childhood memories and adolescent dreams with someone; they know your secrets and you know theirs. They've got the dirt on you. You remember them when . . . the antics and tribulations of misguided youth. Ahhhh. Then, you grow up. You go to college, get jobs, lose touch. Life goes on, I suppose. But, sometimes you get second chances to see your childhood friend and recall fondly how it once was. You laugh. Hopefully, neither one of you has changed so much that you've forgotten who you were as friends together. It's a wonderful thing to pick up that kind of friendship. It might never be the same relationship, but it still feels nice to appreciate the people you have become.

I experienced this. My friend, let's call her Jane**, is a mom to three adorable kids. She is married and lives about 40 miles from me on her very own hobby farm. She's into antiques and growing her own vegetables. Jane is pretty darn cool. She has goats and chickens, apple trees and makes a killer pasta salad.

**name changed to protect the innocent goats.

See Jane's goats:

See Jane's chickens:

Man, it was good to see Jane. Period.

Friendship comes to us and we choose what to do with it. Do we forget it? Do we nurture it? Do we take it for granted? Do we embrace it? I'd like to be the type of person who cherishes it and relishes the amazingly, unique qualities that make my friends special.

Hey, if you are reading this right now, you are probably my friend. Thanks. You may not have goats, but you are still pretty great. :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

Should I Get A Brazilian?

I'm not talking about hiring a South American pool boy for the summer. Sorry.

This one goes out to the ladies . . . have you heard of the latest hair craze, the Brazilian Blowout? This technique is not to be confused with a Brazilian bikini wax. That is a whole other hair situation. I'm talking about the hair on the top of the head.

Brazilian Blowout

I first encountered the Blowout when I met a friend of mine for dinner a few weeks ago. Her hair looked amazing -- shiny, smooth and very healthy. When I complimented her on her lovely locks, she immediately told me about this treatment she had done a few weeks earlier. Apparently, the Blowout is all the rage. A chemical free, protein process that coats the follicle and removes frizz. I did some research and spoke to a few stylists to hear more about it. What I've heard has me intrigued. From all reports, the treatment works well and lasts for several months. Now, I have naturally curly hair that is prone to wild frizzy badness from time to time. Many annoying minutes are spent each day trying to tame the rat's nest I call my hair. I long for mornings where I don't have to spend time brushing and blow drying my hair straight or taking a hot flat iron to it just to get rid of all the fly-aways. Ugh.

Although it is a little on the spendy side, I think I might have to give the Brazilian Blowout a whirl. Whadd 'ya think? If it's good enough for Nicole Richie, it's good enough for me.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Northshore Images

Mr. Oz and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary by taking a trip to the Lake Superior's North Shore. The weather was somewhat cold and rainy during our 4 day visit, but we still had a wonderful time exploring and kicking back. Covepoint Lodge in Beaver Bay, MN proved to be the perfect place for our getaway. Quaint and quiet, the lodge offered us a chance to relax in-between hikes, road trips to nearby towns, dining out and shopping. I'm always impressed by the pristine shoreline and abundance of greenery here. It feels much more like a seaside resort than a spot by a lake, so when you can't get to the ocean, this is a fantastic alternative.

I took a lot of photos of the local scenery.

Patio overlooking the lake at Covepoint Lodge

Love these deck chairs!

The coast line near Grand Marais, MN

Mr. Oz checking out the park rules at Judge C.R. Magney State Park

On the trail toward Devil's Kettle Falls

The Falls!