Monday, April 5, 2010

Google This

Decided to google my blog name tonight. That's My Best just happens to be the second hit when typed up as all one word with no punctuation. As I perused some of the other options, I found an interesting site filled with cartoons. Some of them were clever so thought I'd share.

This one reminded me of a post documenting Ozy's strange fascination with the litter box. Now I know why he is so enthralled. It gives him power! Couldn't agree more with this one. Seems, these days, we really have very little choice within our democratic system. We can choose lame option #1 or lamer option #2. The two party approach, despite all the vitriol and venom, pundits and pandering, masks a harsher reality of sameness, monotony and no true change. I, for one, was hoping for a change I could believe in, some big shake-ups and new thinking. Where is it? Although I believe the healthcare reform bill is a step in the right direction, it certainly didn't go far enough in curtailing the insurance companies greedy practices and leveling the playing field for everyone. When will we learn that capitalism and political power don't necessarily equate to justice, liberty and human kindness? Do we conform or cry out in muted protest? Sad. Sad. Sad.

And, on a completely unrelated note, Ozy turns 1 tomorrow. I probably need to get him a doggy cake, no? Happy Birthday cuddle pup!


  1. Happy birthday, Ozy! Have your mommy and daddy buy you an awesome doggie cake & a human cake for them, too (to be consumed by humans, not "humans" as an ingredient).
