Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I Recall Central Park In Fall

New York is a fun place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there. Spending a long weekend in the hustle & bustle of Manhattan leaves me exhilarated and exhausted all at the same time. No matter how often I go, I can never quite get over the pace, throngs of people, constant assault of sounds and smells. There is a frenetic rhythm to the city. A hum. I'm drawn into it like a moth to an incandescent light bulb, but my introverted nature screams for quiet. The idyllic setting of Central Park exists in the in-between. On its outer edges, the city spins and spits. Inside the insulated protection of the park, calm takes over. People seem softer, happier, lighter. Outside the Park is all business and motion. Inside, it melts away under an insulated cocoon of flora and fauna. The trees keep the madness at bay.

Fall is the absolutely best time to see the Park. It might arguably be the best time to visit NYC. Great walking around town weather. SOHO shopping, West Village stroll. Fine dining, the perfect bagel to start the day, a lusciously long pour of Prosecco to cap off the night. Subway rides. Scouring Canal Street for the best deals. Cocktails made the old-fashioned way. Trying to hail the Cash Cab and win big. Chelsea Market. Walking the Highline. Soaking in the ambiance and history. Gramercy Park desserts. The Natural History Museum. Coffee shops. And, of course, Central Park in Fall.

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