Thursday, September 10, 2009

Technology Addicts Unite!

I've turned into a complete tech gadget collector. I blame my husband. He is forever sending me links to stories about the coolest, newest, most amazing inventions in the world of computers, music players, video contraptions and the like.

I used to be a practical user of technology. I had a home PC, a basic cell phone, a first generation iPod and a simple television/DVD player. It was easy and uncomplicated. I was happy. I didn't know any better. Wasn't paying attention. Life was good. Since meeting Mr. Oz, things have changed. Gone are the days of my distant relationship with all things tech. Now we have a wireless router with multiple computers and printers all networked together to form a spider web of connections & conversations. I have returned to my roots of Apple and am now a proud Macbook Pro owner. I have an iPhone and brighter, fancier iPod. There is also a xbox which Mr. Oz has converted into a media center where we watch our movies and television shows. Nintendo Wii, bluetooth, external hard drives, jump drives, instant messaging, texts, Blogs, Facebook, Twitter . . . you name it we have it, use it, love it. Well . . . mostly love it. We are better, faster, smarter. This is life on the Internet superhighway and I'm driving a powerful convertible. Top down. Hair blowin in the wind. Weeeeeee.

OK, so occasionally I become despondent with the ubiquitous presence of metal, microchips and interfaces. I long for real, face-to-face interaction versus the sound-byte tweets and chirps of data. Sigh. It is in times like this, when I'm at the end of my virtual cord, that I need to take stock of all the benefits of our modern conveniences. I'm good. We're good. We couldn't possibly need another gadget, another megabyte, nothing. Just when I think the limit has been attained; our gadget collection has reached its maximum capacity, well, then Mr. Oz sends me another link. Apple's launching the next generation iPod nano. So? Big deal, right? Well, the new version boasts video recording capability, built in FM radio and a pedometer. Wha, wha, what?!


I want it.

I want it in orange.


I need help.